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Carnets Geol. 16 (3)

from 2 to 80 m of water depth, as rhodoliths or                            Material and methods
crusts attached on hard substrates, particularly
in well lit waters (KEATS et al., 2000; NÓBREGA-                 The specimens analyzed come from diffe-
FARIAS et al., 2010; BASSO et al., 2011; PASCELLI            rent localities, with some being studied in
et al., 2013; NEILL et al., 2015).                           previous investigations (Table 1). Different
                                                             specimens from the same sample or from the
    This species has a complex taxonomic history             same outcrop were grouped together for ana-
(details in BASSO et al., 2011). In 2000 KEATS et            lysis. Morphological data on Recent L. crispa-
al. established that Lithothamnion superpositum              tum come from samples collected in the Egads
is conspecific with Lithothamnion indicum. Sub-              Archipelago of the Western Mediterranean
sequently NÓBREGA-FARIAS et al. (2010) merged                (Marettimo Island, BASSO et al., 2011).
L. superpositum with Lithothamnion heteromor-
phum. Finally, in 2011, BASSO et al. synony-                     Fossil samples were cut with an abrasive
mized L. heteromorphum with L. crispatum, the                rock saw, and the porosity was then filled with
Mediterranean species with nomenclatural prio-               epoxy resin. The surfaces were polished with
rity. As a consequence of these taxonomic revi-              silicon carbide and glued onto standard glass
sions, the geographic and ecological distribution            slides. The excess material was subsequently
of the species has become very broad, encom-                 cut off and the thickness of the sample was
passing all the oceans and both hemispheres.                 reduced to less than 30 μm. The thin sections
The key feature that allowed synonymizing these              of coralline algal samples were then observed
species is the occurrence of pits over the roof of           under light microscope to study and measure
the multiporate conceptacles, a unique feature               their anatomical features. Growth-forms termi-
among Hapalidiales and a diagnostic feature in               nology follows WOELKERLING et al. (1993). Vege-
the delimitation of this Lithothamnion species               tative anatomy was measured along longitu-
(WILKS and WOELKERLING, 1995). These roof pits               dinal radial sections (QUARANTA et al., 2007;
are the consequence of the disintegration of the             VANNUCCI et al., 2008). The diameter of the
outermost cells in filaments surrounding the                 cells was measured including the cell wall; cell
pore canals. In the resulting structure the pore             length was measured as the distance between
canal is slightly raised in the center of a rosette          two primary pit connections including the cell
of degenerate cells.                                         wall (BASSO et al., 1996). Conceptacles were
                                                             measured along their axial section, i.e., the
                                                             longitudinal section that cuts a conceptacle
                                                             medially so that the pore canal is completely
                                                             visible (AFONSO-CARILLO et al., 1984), in accor-

Table 1: Fossil samples analyzed.

Geographic Position     Age           N° of thin  Collector                             Useful references
                                       sections                   VANNUCCI et al., 1996, and COLETTI et al., 2015,
                                                             for further details regarding the outcrop, the geological
  NW Italy-Tertiary     Burdigalian   1           VANNUCCI
Piedmont Basin-Villa                                   G.                      setting and coralline algae flora

   San Bartolomeo                                                                  REYNAUD and JAMES, 2012,
                                                             for further details on the geological setting of the basin
    NW Italy-Tertiary   Burdigalian   3           GC
Piedmont Basin-Uviglie                                           FILIPESCU and GÎRBACEA, 1997; KOVÁČ et al., 2005;
                                                                 SAINT-MARTIN et al., 2007; DOLAKOVA et al., 2008;
   NW Italy-Tertiary                  2           VANNUCCI
Piedmont Basin-Torre Burdigalian                       G.                            HRABOVSKÝ et al., 2015,
                                                               for information regarding the geological setting and
                                                                                        coralline algae flora
S France-Sommières      Burdigalian   1           GC

Czech Republic-Central upper part

Parathethys-            of Lower      1           JH

Židlochovice            Langhian

   Romania-Central      upper part    1           JH
Parathethys-Lopadea      of Lower     1           JH
                         Langhian     1           JH
           Veche                      2           DB

Slovakia-Parathethys- Upper
Stupava-Vrchná Hora Langhian

Slovakia-Parathethys- Lower

Sandberg                Serravallian

S Italy-Sicily-         Pleistocene

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