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Carnets Geol. 16 (3)
Figure 3: Reproductive anatomy. (A) Multiporate conceptacle, Burdigalian, NW Italy, Tertiary Piedmont Basin, Villa
San Bartolomeo. (B) Multiporate conceptacle, Pleistocene, S. Italy, Castelluccio. (C) Multiporate conceptacle, upper
part of Lower Langhian, Romania, Lopadea Veche. (D) Multiporate conceptacle, Upper Langhian, Slovakia, Stupava-
Vrchná Hora. (E) Conceptacles almost merged (left) and conceptacles fully merged (right), upper part of Lower Lan-
ghian, Romania, Lopadea Veche. (F) Conceptacles almost merged, upper part of Lower Langhian, Czech Republic,
Židlochovice. (G) Rosette of degenerate cells around the pore canals, Pleistocene, S. Italy, Castelluccio. (H) Rosette
of degenerate cells around the pore canals, upper part of Lower Langhian, Romania, Lopadea Veche.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS of vegetative and reproductive anatomy shows
that all the samples are grouped together at a
LEVENE's test verified that the variances of very high level of B-C similarity (>90%). The
the H/D ratio of the samples are homogeneous, dendrogram displays two main clusters: fossil
allowing the use of ANOVA (F distribution with 8 and modern L. crispatum (Fig. 4). Within the
and 97 degrees of freedom). The calculated F- fossils, the largest difference is recognized bet-
ratio is 1.64, so that we cannot reject the null ween the Romanian sample of Lopadea Veche
hypothesis that the samples belong to a single and the remaining fossil samples (Fig. 4). This
population. That is, ANOVA demonstrates that latter group is characterized by a >95% of B-C
there are no statistically significant differences similarity and encompasses samples of different
between the mean H/D ratios of the concep- age and different geographical origin (Fig. 4).
tacles of the different samples. Multivariate sta-
tistical analysis of the main biometric variables