Page 10 - EAI-4_2015_60-68
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Discussion                                                      the data already acquired. An improvement of the             Research & development
                                                                landslide hazard assessment will be implemented
The geological model representative of the study area           on the basis of the predisposing parameters, such
is mainly characterized by the presence of the rigid            as the stability condition of the slopes [20, 21]. The
body of calcarenite above the plastic clays. The clay           characterization of the joint discontinuities will
deformations, also related with the sea waves action,           strengthen by the execution of the automatic and semi-
induce stress condition in the overlying limestones             automatic elaborations of the Laser Scanner images
and development of fracturing processes. The pre-               and of an innovative geophysical survey (nanoseismic
existing neo-tectonic shear zones are a controlling             monitoring) [22].
factor for the development of the failure surfaces
and of the gravitational processes. These processes             Conclusions
develop as lateral spreading along the contact
surface between the two formations and fall s.l. in the         The geomechanical survey and analysis confirm
detensioned front portion of the cliffs. The position of        the presence of potential instability conditions in
the contact surface between the two formations above            the three bays of the study area. Consequently, a
or below sea level and the consequent exposition or             significant hazard level has been recognised in
protection of the clays to/from the sea waves action is         several measurement stations, mainly in Cala Rossa
presumably a further controlling factor for fracturing          and Cala del Bue Marino. The monitoring systems
and landslide processes.                                        have registered no significant displacements in the
The lack of significant movement registered by                  observed areas. Nevertheless, several cliff areas
the integrated monitoring system in the periodic                show evidence of impulsive dynamics. On this basis,
acquisition during the 24 months study can be easily            identifying appropriate actions is absolutely crucial
explained with the discontinuous and impulsive                  to prevent accidents to the users of these beautiful
behaviour of the rock collapsing processes, and does            natural places and to avoid that the most significant
not exclude the possibility of future single or massive         quarries are further abandoned to an inexorable
movements. The deepening of the deformation                     degradation process.
dynamic inevitably requires the upgrading of the                Removal of the most unstable blocks, local rock nailing
current monitoring network with the installation of             and protection boulder walls at the foot of the cliffs are
more sophisticated joint meters in the most critical            all interventions that can reduce the general unstable
sites, with in continuum acquisition, data logging and          conditions in the higher hazard level sectors of the
remote communication.                                           cliffs. In the most critical areas, as the west side of
The rock mass rating of the cliffs attributed to the different  Cala Rossa, a partial prohibition of access is strongly
measuring stations (Figure 9) shows good agreement              recommended. Furthermore, improving the current
between the SMR and SR classifications, even if the             monitoring system is a necessary prerequisite for
latter appears to be more conservative. It is notable that      future adoption of an early warning system.
attributing the SMR and SR classes demands to take into         By providing information about the hazard level and
account the geometrical relationship between the most           the displacements along the cliffs of the three bays,
significant joint planes and the slope orientation. Even        the present study results are an effective contribution
though the analysed cliffs of three bays have strongly          to the local authorities in charge of implementing
indented forms, due to natural and human causes, in             mitigation measures. The enhancement of the safety
this study only an average value of the slope orientation       level of these areas is an essential step for a sustainable
has been used. Consequently, the SMR and SR classes             and safety tourism exploitation in the island. This is the
assigned to a station are affected by a certain level of        way to ensure that what was left of the quarries can
approximation.                                                  become an economic resource again, while respecting
The working group plans to make few more additional             the historical and the environmental context.
field observations and deepen the elaboration of

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