Page 5 - EAI-4_2015_60-68
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The calcarenite shows relatively high values of the         is presumably below sea level. The overlapping of
porosity [9] (Table 1) related to the low diagenetic        hard rock masses on a more plastic substratum leads
process, the low cementation (spathic calcite with          to mechanical instability due to the diverse response
meniscus structures) and to the textural characters         of the materials to perturbations, such as seismic input,
(equi-dimensional, well sorted, loosely packed, low fine    weathering, erosion or man-made excavations [14]. The
grained matrix). The value of the compressive strength      resulting mass movements can be classified into two
offered in literature, and confirmed through some field     different but strictly interconnected typologies: lateral
measurements with a Schmidt hammer, indicates a             spread and rock blocks fall [15].
weakly cemented carbonate rock.                             The good resistance brought the biocalcarenite,
There are three systems of faults that displace both the    improperly called “tuff”, to be extracted in several
Mesozoic-Tertiary and Pleistocene deposits. A very          hypogeal and open air quarries and used as building
recent tectonic activity involves Tyrrhenian sediments      stone. The exploitation of the Favignana sandstone
and more recent continental deposits, as revealed by        is ancient, but it reached its maximum development
kinematic indicators of NW-SE, NE-SW and W-E strike-        mainly between 1700 and 1950. Many buildings were
slip fault [10] and of differential uplift [11].            constructed in Tunis with the “tuff” of Favignana, and
The study is focused on three bays, “Cala Rossa”,           Messina was rebuilt with it after the 1908 earthquake.
“Cala del Bue Marino” (Figure 2) and “Cala Azzurra”,        After the World War II the “tuff” went out of the market
located in the eastern side of the island. In these three   and the mining areas were abandoned to a degradation
bays, the Pleistocenic biocalcarenites form some cliffs     process which increased the risk of block collapse.
with height ranging from few meters (Cala Azzurra and
central part of Cala Rossa) up to over 30 meters. These     Methodology
areas are classified as high and very high landslide
hazard [12].                                                A geomechanical analysis and multi-system monitoring
The cliffs of Cala Rossa and Cala del Bue Marino            of the cliffs of Cala Rossa, Cala del Bue Marino and Cala
are separated from the sea by a narrow strip of talus       Azzurra were carried out in this study between April
deposits, whereas at Cala Azzurra a low angle slope and     2012 and April 2014.
a beach separate the old cliff from the present shoreline,  The geomechanical investigations were focused on
assuming respectively the shape of a seasonal sea           the recognition of the rock mass joint setting and of
cliffs and a coastal slope [13]. In the west side of Cala   the lithotecnical characteristics of the calcarenites in
Rossa and Cala Azzurra, this wide rock slab lies on the     the three coves. The geomechanical characterization
plastic clays belonging to the Pliocene formation. The      of the calcarenite was carried out via a traditional
contact between the two formations can be recognised        geomechanical field survey performed according
here above the sea level, while in the east side of the     to the ISRM standard. Twenty-five geomechanical
two bays and in Cala del Bue Marino area the surface        stations were completed in the three coves (7 in the
                                                            west side of Cala Rossa, 13 in the east side of Cala
FIGURE 2 Rock blocks fallen at Cala del Bue Marino          Rossa, 3 at Cala del Bue Marino and 2 in Cala Azzurra).
                                                            Field mapping of rock discontinuities is the most
                                                            common approach for the analysis of cliffs shaped on
                                                            hard rock. This classical geomechanical investigation
                                                            allows to characterize the main joints in terms of dip,
                                                            dip direction, spacing, opening, presence of gouge
                                                            material, persistency, relationship with average slope
                                                            face orientation and other factors. The poles of the
                                                            measured joints were plotted using the “Georient”
                                                            open source software and the Schmidt equi-areal

62 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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