Page 61 - Gerardini2012
P. 61

Dimensionamento delle opere         Project No.       : 001
     di protezione passiva
                                    Name of Project : Spiaggia E Marettimo, Sicily
              (Barriere paramassi)
                                                      : Sezione 02

                                                      : agosto 2012

                                    Date              :

Signature        : SG               Enclosure No. :


Run No.                : 002 No. of rocks                            : 100
mean Radius (m)        : 0.55+/-5% type of barrier
                                                                     : Ad anelli concatenati
mean Mass (kg)         : 15 min. Mass (kg)
Initial Motion         : complex fall max. Mass (kg)                 : 4.85
                                                                     : 300.02
Delta T(sec)
VgrN(m/sec)            : 0.05
VgrT(m/sec)            : 0.50
                       : 0.50

                                                      Rockfall 4.1 - Release: 21.4.2004, Dr. Spang GmbH, Witten
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