Page 5 - Grillini2015
P. 5

do not allow watercourses to form: only during some
                                                          violent storm, accompanied by heavy downpours,
                                                          small brooks form in some valley of the ridge, that
                                                          dry up in a few hours.

                                                          The survey

FIGURE 4 	 A typical quarry of “tufo”                     In the field
                                                          In order to characterize and monitor the groundwater
several quarries and caves pierce everywhere the          of Favignana, two surveys were carried out in 2012,
terrain, giving the landscape its characteristic rough    measuring the water table from selected wells with a
appearance (Figure 4).                                    phreatimeter, main physical and chemical parameters
These calcarenite outcrops are not uniform, showing       (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved
cross and parallel bedding. They are also commonly        oxygen, redox potential) with a multi-parametric probe,
alternated with lenses and thin beds of sands and         and collecting water samples for further determination
conglomerates. From this it ensues that the groundwater   of major cations, anions, and trace elements at the
in this sector is actually not hosted in a single, large  environmental biogeochemical laboratory of the ENEA
aquifer, but in a group of small aquifers, some in        Casaccia Research Centre.
hydraulic continuity some isolated.                       The monitoring was not targeted at the effective
The scarcity of rainfall, the calcareous nature of the    potability of groundwater in a strict (and legal) sense: a
relief, and the limited extension of the island itself    rather different approach should have been necessary,
                                                          planning biological analyses too, and a different and
                                                          more complex handling of the samples, from their
                                                          sampling to storing and analyzing. The chemical
                                                          results of this survey, instead, were intended primarily
                                                          to characterize the groundwater in terms of their salt
                                                          content: the first step was to differentiate the waters of
                                                          the various island zones, and locate the best tapping
                                                          spots (if possible and suitable).
                                                          With a preliminary investigation on the island, together
                                                          with Favignana municipal officials, 22 wells were
                                                          selected for their practical accessibility, among the
                                                          520 registered on the whole island: 7 in the western
                                                          sector, 4 in the eastern sector, and 11 in the urban area,
                                                          in the center of Favignana. While almost each of them
                                                          was open, and directly accessible with the measuring
                                                          instruments, in some cases it was only possible to get
                                                          from a tap the samples for the analyses.
                                                          Through a topographic survey performed with a DGPS
                                                          equipment (Figure 5), reference ground elevations
                                                          have been fixed for each site, in order to measure the
                                                          elevation above sea level of the groundwater table all
                                                          over the island, and its variation from one season of the
                                                          year to another.
                                                          The two seasonal campaigns were performed

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