Page 6 - Grillini2015
P. 6

Research & development

                                                            FIGURE 6 	 Monitoring procedures on a site

                                                            of chemical and physical parameters was carried out
                                                            on the surface through portable meters equipped with
                                                            sensors and electrodes (Figure 6).

 FIGURE 5 	 Measuring the DGPS position and elevation       Operating procedures
                                                            •	 Measuring the water table depth (static level) by
respectively at the end of the colder and
wetter season (end of April), and at the end                    inserting a phreatimeter in the well down to the
of summer (end of September), to collect the                    water.
data representative of the richer and the poorer            •	 Purging the well and cleaning the water: a
conditions of groundwater.                                      preliminary, brief discharge of the water from the
The measurements and analyses described below                   well is necessary, in order to remove the upper
have been followed as a routine procedure for all the           stagnant water layer and clean up the remaining to
17 wells directly accessible; in the other 4, due to the        be analyzed.
reduced diameter of the wells, it was not possible to       •	 Measuring the physico-chemical water parameters
insert the probe; in one case, due to the sealed well, the      by inserting the probe into the well. The data are
sample was collected from a hose. For all those wells           taken in three steps, during a second purging. On the
not directly accessible for the probe, the measurement          wells of Favignana a low-flow pumping was used, for
                                                                no longer than 10 minutes, due to the scarcity of the
                                                                water in the wells. As the values of pH and electrical
                                                                conductivity became stable, water samples were
                                                                finally collected.
                                                            •	 Collecting the samples of water: for the analyses of
                                                                hydrogencarbonate, a water sample was taken in a
                                                                250 mL polyethylene bottle, previously rinsed with
                                                                the same water.Water samples for analysis of cations
                                                                and anions: each water sample was filtered with a
                                                                0.45 µm mixed esters of cellulose filter and divided
                                                                into two parts. The first part was acidified to pH <
                                                                2 with HNO3 (BDH-Aristar grade) and saved for the

                                                            23EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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