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GNGTS 2015                                                             SESSIONE 3. 2

             This  paper  reports  the  preliminary  results  of  a  geophysical  campaign  of seismic  noise
           measurements  carried out in May  2015  at  Cala  Rossa Bay.  In  recent years,  several  studies
           applied  ambient  noise  techniques  to  investigate  landslide-involved  slopes  (Del  Gaudio  et
           al., 2008; Burjanek et al., 2010, 2012) orto characterize blocks of unstable cliffs (Got et al.,
           2010; Panzera et al., 2012; Galea et al., 2014), through different approaches among which HN
           spectral ratios, f-·k analysis, site to reference spectral ratios, polarization  analysis, base noise
           level variations.
             The noise measurement stations were distributed in conespondence of the unstable sea cliff
           as well as on the stable plateau area (i.e. located about 100 m far from  the cliff).  The seismic
           noise  was recorded  for  l  hour and was  analyzed by computing the  Fast Fourier Transfonn
           (FFT)  of the three ground-motion components as  well as  the HVSR.  Because of the sirnilar
           geologica! and geomorphological setting, the results obtained for the Cala Rossa Bay test site
           were compared to the ones obtained forAnchor Bay (Malta), reported in Galea et al. (2014) and
           partially reprocessed for the here discussed comparison.
             The  goal  of this  research  is  to  previde  new  evidences  about  local  seismic response  in
           unstable sea cliffs through the analysis of single-station noise records. The relevance of such
           a geophysical application consists on the possibility to manage the hazard related to  sea-cliff
           landslides in order to mitigate the associateci coastal risk.
             Geologica!  ami geomorphological  setting.  The  Favignana  Island  belongs  to  the  Egadi
           Archi pelago and is part of the NW sector of Sicily (Italy), which represents the emerged western
           edge of the Sicilian-Maghrebian Chain, originated from the deformation of the Meso-Cenozoic
           Northern African continentalmargin (Scandone et al., 1974; Antonioli et al., 2006). Tectonic
           units, overthrusted in the Middle Miocene and Lower Pliocene, compose the Egadi lslands as
           well as the whole Trapani area (Nigro et al., 2000). The Favignana Island is mainly built-up of
           Mesozoic-Lower Tertiary car·bonate deposits, covered by trar1sgressive Plio-JPleistocene shallow-
           water marine deposits (Abate et al., 1995, 1997; Catalano et al., 1996). The Lower Pleistocene
           deposits widespread outcrop along the eastern slope of the emerged paleo-Favignana Island in
           a pull-apart basin, probably generateci by transtensional faults activity (Slaczka et al., 2011).
             In Cala Rossa Bay, located in the eastern portion of the Favignana Island, porous car·bonate
           grainstones  of the  Lower  Pleistocene  widely  outcrop,  about  20  m  thick  ar1d  with  almost-
           horizontal  strata;  these  carbonate rocks  overlie  high-plasticity  clays of Pliocene age  with  a
           thickness varying from 5 up to 10m (Fig. la). The clays overlie massive carbonate grainstones
           ofthe Lower-Middle Miocene, with a thickness varies between 10 and 30 m (Abate et al., 1995,
           1997; Tondi et al., 2012), which does not outcrop at Cala Rossa Bay.
             This geologica! setting characterized by the over-position of stiff rocks on a more plastic
           substratum  (Goudie, 2004)  leads  to  a lateral  spreading  phenomenon  which  widely  involve
           the  sea  cliff.  More in particular·, the  horizontal  defonnations  affecting  the  clayey  materials,
           with a visco-plastic behavior, induce cracks ar1d failures in the overlying stiff rock causing the
           detachment of single rock blocks  and the  generation of falls and topples.  Lateral  spreading
           processes  act  selectively,  shaping plateau of stiff rocks  bordered  by  unstable cliffs.  Lateral
           spreading phenomena represent a gravity-induced instability highly dar1gerous respect to the
           coastal cultura! heritages and cause several touristic places in the Meditenanean ar·ea (Canuti et
           al., 1990; Gigli et al., 2012; Falconi et al., 2015) to be inaccessible or avoided for tourists.
             The study ar,ea. In the western sector of Cala Rossa Bay in Favignana Island the ongoing
           lateral  spreading  produced  a  complex  ground  crack  pattern  which  favors  gravitational
           instabilities also  inftuenced by the presence of ar1  extensive network of nnderground tunnels
           related to historical quar1y activities in the porous carbonate grainstones and terminated in the
           latter half of the last century (Falconi et al., 2015).
             Based o n fie l d surveys, a main gravitational joint system was devised, consisting of three open
           fractures whose direction is nearly parallel t o the coastline (Fig.  l b). Three different unstable
           zones, separated by the three opened ground cracks, and a fourth stable zone, consisting in the

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