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GNGTS 2015                                                             SESSIONE 3. 2

             According to Vames (1978) and Hutchinson (1988), the resulting landslide process should be
           defined as a complex-type one since the failure mechanism is a com bination oflateral spreading,
           rock fall and rock topples. Moreover, the two main isolated blocks show a counter-slope top,
           indicating that a roto-translational component is also present in the spreading process.
             Data acquisition and processing. In May of 2015, a field-campaign was carried out in the
           western part of Cala Rossa Bay t o record seismic am bient noise. Over an area of approximately
           0.01 km , 25 single-station measurements were deployed to cover the aforementioned landslide
           zones (Fig.  l b). More in particular, 5 stations were placed in each of three unstable zones while
           10 stations were deployed on the stable plateau area, at various distances from the f3  ground
             Each station was equipped with a 3-component seismometer: 20 measurements were carried
           out using a  LE-3D/Ss seismometer by  Lennartz  Electronic GmbH coupled with a REFTEK
           130-01 datalogger, setto a 250Hz sampling frequency; the other 5 measurements were carried
           out using a  1.5  Hz SL06 acquisition unit by SARA Electronic Instmments, set to a 200 Hz
           sampling frequency. Ambient noise records of 1-hour duration were acquired in each station
           in two days characterized by different weather conditions: on May 27 with a strong wind (on
           average 20 knots according to  the Trapani forecast station) and sea waves di.rectly  pounding
           against the cliff and on May 30 with a  weaker wind (on average  15  knots)  blowing  on the
           opposite direction and so avoiding the generation of sea waves against the cliff.
             The seismic  noise records were processed by the  use of Geopsy software (www.geopsy.
           org). The 1-hour time histories were divided into non-overlapping windows of 40 sand the Fast
           Fourier Transform (FFT) in the frequency range between 0.4 and 60.0 Hz was computed for
           each component. By averaging over the windows, the amplitude spectra and the HIV spectral
           ratio, as well as the distribution of their values in horizontal p lane (i. e. spectrum rotate and HN
           rotate), were finally achieved for each single record.
             The HVSR (Nakamura, 1989) analysis is worldwide used to predict the resonance frequency
           of a  site, particularly when layers having low shear-wave velocity cause a sharp impedance
           contrast with the bedrock.  The  presence  of  a  resonance  peak  in the  HVSR curve  has  been
           interpreted  both  in tenns  of  SH-wave  resonance  in  soft surface  layers,  or in tenns  of the
           elli.pticity  of particle motion when the  ambient noise  wave train is  made up predominantly
           of surface waves (Bonnefoy-Claudet et al., 2006). In practice, the wavefield is expected to be
           a combination of  both types and the HVSR curve contains infonnation about the shear wave
           velocity profile in shallow sediments (Galea et al., 2014).
             Results. By analyzing the FFT of the Cala Rossa Bay records (Fig. 2), a significant energy
           contribution clea:rly appears a t frequencies lower than  l  Hz in May 27, when a strong wind
           and sea waves  acted against the cliff; on contrary, in May 30, with more favorable  weather
           conditions, such a spectral contribution disappears.
             The HVSR curves show a peculiar shape both in the unstable and in the plateau zones, a
           cave can be observed in the frequency range between l  and 2 Hz, corresponding to a marked
           amplification of the vertical ground motion component. The HVSRs also show an asymmetrical
           peak between 5 and 6Hz and several peaks at higher frequencies (10-60Hz). Even though it is
           not always significant according to SESAME guidelines (Bard, 2005), the HVSR peak at 5-6
           Hz frequency is present in the measurements carri ed out within and in proximity of the unstable
           zones, while it is not visible in the plateau area.
             Discussion. Tlze Anchor Ba)l test sile. A comparison between the results obtained at Cala
           Rossa Bay in Favignana Island and the ones of Anchor Bay in Malta was possible taking into
           account the data already published by Galea et al. (2014).
             The Anchor Bay test si te  was chosen for such a comparison because of the lithotechnical
           setting very similar to the one of Cala Rossa Bay. According to Pedley et al. (2002), in Anchor
           Bay stiff limestones of Late Miocene age (Upper Coralline Limestone, UCL), with a thickness
           of about 20 m, overlie blue clays of the Middle Miocene (Blue Clay fonnation, BC) about 30

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