Page 5 - Iannucci_alii_2015
P. 5

GNGTS 2015                                                              SESSIONE 3. 2

                      A3- May 27                              A3- May 30
          12QOO-                                  12QOO-
                                                                         ___ Up·Down
                                --- Up-Oown
                                       comp.                                   oomp.
                                --- N·S comp.                           --- N·S oomp.
                                --- E·W oomp.                           --- E·W oomp.
         ~ 8000-
         i  .
         VI  4000-

                            r· rr;o    20   'l  "l                             20   40  60
                                           40  60
                          Frequeocy (Hz)                           Frequency (Hz)
                                  _     Average                           --- ~~rage
             5-                                      5-


            oì   ' ' 1'"1 11 !         1                       '  ~  ' '' ~  'tT,b
             0.4  0.6 0.8 l   ~  . ' '4  l},' rlh  ' 20  l
                           Frequency (Hz)                          Frequency (Hz)
        Fig. 2 - Amplitude spectrum and HVSR analysis results at A3 station. Left: results referred to the measurement on
        May 27 with stronger wind (on average 20 knots) and sea waves pounding directly on the cliff. Right: results referred
        to the measurement on May 30 with weak wind (on average 15 knots) and low sea waves on the cliff.

        1ll thick. The blue clays lie on top of a not-outcropping stiff lilllestone of the Lower Miocene
        (Upper Globigerina Lilllestone, UGL).
           Also in this case, a lateral spreading is generated by the juxtaposition of the stiff limestones
        over the plastic blue clays. The phenolllenon is responsible for the generation of four unstable
        rock blocks,  behind which  there is a stable  plateau  area.  Seismic noise  Jlleasurelllents were
        carried out on both the unstable blocks and the plateau area. Tillle-series of 20 Illinutes recorded
        using  a  three-colllponent  seislllollleter  Trolllino  at  a  sampling  frequency  of  128  Hz  were
        reprocessed for this study.
           In Anchor Bay, the HVSRs show a ubiquitous resonance peak in a narro w frequency range
        between  l  and 2 Hz and a following sharp dip of the spectral ratio. As this  HVSR feature is
        widespread present in the Maltese archipelago, the di p of the HVSR curve has been interpreted
        in tenns of a shallow shear-wave velocity inversion, which conesponds to the interface between
        the competent UCL and the plastic BC (Galea et al., 2014).
           HVSR analysis comparison and interpretation.  Given the silllilar outcropping  lithologies,
        a similar response in the HVSR results of Cala Rossa Bay and Anchor Bay would be expected
        (Fig. 3). The HVSR peak at 5-6 Hz observed in Favignana and the peak at 1-2Hz observed in
        Malta, as well as the following dips, could be related to a stratigraphic response. According to
        Galea et al. (2014), the HVSR peak can be interpreted in tenns ofRayleigh-wave ellipticity and/

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