Page 10 - Malatesta
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F. Angelelli et al.

                          cal surveys for the realization of the Geological Map of
                          Italy, and the research activities in the ex-Italian African
                          colonies. Also fossils obtained by exchanges, purchas-
                          es, and donations must be added. Within the general
                          collection some sub-collections such as Didactics, Great
                          samples of isolated fossils, Foreign Sites, and Ichnofos-
                          sils are also included.
                              Historical collection  (about 20.000 specimens)
                          (Angelelli,  2008), contains important collections includ-
                          ing several taxonomic  groups collected and studied,
                          since the last century, by renowned scientists. The fos-
                          sils  are catalogued both taxonomically (Graptolites,
                          Ammonites, Rudists, Ittiofauna) and by the name of the
                          researcher who collected or studied them. Among the
                          main ones: G. Bonarelli, M. Canavari, G. Di  Stefano,
                          G. Checchia Rispoli, C. Crema, G. Curioni, T. Lipparini,
                          A. Malatesta, G. Meneghini.  C.F. Parona, R. Rasetti,
                          P. and Vinassa de Regny. These collections are of ex-
                          tremely scientific importance because they include many
                          type-specimens (holotypes, lectotypes, plesiotypes,
                              Vertebrate collection  (about 3.000 specimens)
                          contains fossils belonging to the Plio-Pleistocene mam-
                          mal faunas recovered from sedimentary deposits of La-
                          tium, Tuscany, Sicily and of other Italian regions.
                              Plant collection  (about 600 specimens) includes
                          both isolated remains mainly of Palaeozoic Pteridophy-
                          tae and Spermatophytae from Germany and material
                          from different Italian localities, among which the Mt. Ja-
                          no flora of the Carboniferous of Tuscany.

                          3.3 Alberto Malatesta Collection
                              This collection includes about 10.000 remains (di-
                          vided  in two sections: vertebrates and  invertebrates)
                          coming from the Marittime Alps, Emilia Romagna, Um-  Fig. 9 - Bust of Quintino Sella, currently housed in the Collec-
                          bria, Latium,  Calabria, Sicily, Egadi Islands and Sardi-  tion of the Department for librarian activities, documentary and
                          nia. It mainly includes Plio-Pleistocene fossils deriving   for information of ISPRA - Geological Survey of Italy.
                          both from the Geological Survey field campaigns carried   Busto di Quintino Sella, attualmente conservato presso le Col-
                          out by Malatesta and from  sub-collections originally   lezioni del Dipartimento per le attività bibliotecarie, documentali
                          created by other scientists who preceded him such as   e per l’informazione di ISPRA (Servizio Geologico d’Italia).
                          Crema, Aragona, Canavari, Coppi, De Stefani, Lawley,
                          Loss, and Nicosia.                               advena  and Thericium (Thericium)  lividulum antiquum
                                                                           are new taxa (Figs. 10, 11). the first two being holotypes
                          3.3.1 Invertebrate section                       have been illustrated in the  catalogue of the types
                              Among the many Plio-Pleistocene mollusc remains   hosted in the Paleontological Collections of ISPRA (AN-
                          collected by Malatesta,  it is worth to mention  in  primis   GELELLI  &  ROSSI, 2004). Moreover, at Grammichele,
                          those coming from the deposits of Grammichele (Sicily)   Thais (Polytropa) lapillus represents the first recovery of
                          and in secundis the collection coming from the Umbria   this species in the Mediterranean Sea.  This fauna
                          intrapenninic basin. The studies on the fossils sampled   counts over 550 samples of gastropods and about 730
                          in Sicily and in Umbria produced two important mono-  among scaphopods and bivalves. It’s about a sublitoral
                          graphs, both published on the Memorie per Servire alla   fauna, a few deep sea”..”……poche decine di metri, con
                          descrizione della Carta Geologica d’Italia. The first one   scogli e massi di rocce vulcaniche, coperti di Laminarie
                          is entitled “Malacofauna pleistocenica di Grammichele   e Litotamni, fra i quali viveva una ricca epifauna di Pro-
                          (Sicilia)”, published in 1960 (I part) - 1963 (II part) vols.   sobranchi, Mitili, Ostriche e Pettini. Gusci di Trochi  e
                          XII; the second one is entitled “Malacofauna pliocenica   delle altre forme della popolazione intercotidale proveni-
                          umbra”, published in 1974, vol. XIII.            vano dalla sovrastante costa  rocciosa. Infine l’azione
                              Those collections and the  two monographs    delle correnti ha permesso gli accumuli di resti di endo-
                          represent still today two masterpieces for the studies of   fauna proveniente da banchi di sabbione tufaceo. Man-
                          the Plio-Pleistocene  marine molluscs of  Italy. The   cano specie caratteristiche di  fondi melmosi  e di am-
                          Grammichele  Pleistocene fauna was collected during   biente salmastro ad indicare una costa ripida, di fronte
                          the geological  field surveys in 1954, 1955 and 1958.   al mare aperto e lontana dallo sfocio di corsi d’acqua.”,
                          The specimens mainly come from the deposits near   as specified by the Author (MALATESTA, 1960, p. 22).
                          Catallarga and include  225 species and subspecies   The Pliocene molluscan faunas of Umbria is much
                          (123 Gastropods, 4 Scaphopods, 98 Pelecypods), 3 of   richer than the previous one both in quantity of picked
                          which Acmaea (Collisella) johannae, Cantharus (Pollia)    material and in number of species, and it is the result of
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