Page 13 - Malatesta
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Alberto Malatesta: 20 years of activity at the Geological Survey of Italy                 23

                          Fig 14 - Historical hall of the “Paleontological Collections” hosting the chest of drawers containing the “Malatesta Collection” situated at the
                          third floor of the Geological Survey at Largo Santa Susanna, 13 - Rome
                          Sala storica delle “ Collezioni Paleontologiche” con le cassettiere in legno che ospitano la Collezione Malatesta, situata al terzo piano
                          della sede del Servizio Geologico di Largo di Santa Susanna, 13 - Roma.

                          4. PUBLICATIONS
                              As already mentioned, the scientific
                          activity of A. Malatesta, always driven by
                          great passion, curiosity and constancy,
                          showed his indisputed knowledges in both
                          the geological sensu lato and paleontologi-
                          cal fields. In fact, of the 54 publications car-
                          ried out  within over twenty  years of em-
                          ployment at the Geological Survey of Italy,
                          about 24 are closely connected to palaeon-
                          tology (7 concerning remains of verte-
                          brates, 6 of which on mammals and 1 on
                          bird, 13 concerning molluscs, 1 on echino-
                          ids and 1 on microfaunas), and 2 on more
                          general topics such as general palaeontol-
                          ogy and the application of binomial no-
                          menclature,  whereas 25 are more related
                          to geological investigations, and 5 to arc-
                          haeological researches.
                              Actually, such a classification of his
                          publications is somehow forced, because
                          in  all  his papers it  is always  evident his
                          multidisciplinary approach that led him to
                          face each single problem in the frame of
                          a general context. This  characteristic,
                          revealed not only in the variety of the treated topics but   (MALATESTA, 1964a) and “Eocene Fossils of the territo-
                          also  in each paper, made A. Malatesta an “all-  ry of Briga and Tenda in the Maritime Alps” (MALATES-
                          accomplished” researcher, who somehow went against   TA, 1964b) related to the geological survey activities for
                          the  idea “of specialization” diffused  in the Academy.   the realization of the geological Map of Italy at
                          Thanks to his  non sectorial knowledge,  A.  Malatesta   1:100.000 scale.
                          could face  a wide range of  questions  concerning pa-  Even if most of his papers were published on Ital-
                          laeogeography, biochronostratigraphy, palaeoecology   ian journals (the half of which on the Bollettino del Ser-
                          etc.                                             vizio Geologico d’Italia), his  vocational training and
                              Analyzing  his papers in  a chronostratigraphic   scientific authoritativeness were undisputed and appre-
                          perspective, we notice that his scientific interests were   ciated also out of Italy.
                          primarily devoted to the  problems related to the Plio-  Among the works published during his twenty years
                          Pleistocene and, more  in  general, to Quaternary, al-  at the Geological Survey that contributed in the most in-
                          though few researches were related to most ancient   cisive way to the growth of the paleontological and geo-
                          times, such  as the “Egadi Islands fossiliferous  Trias”   logical knowledges and those that still today  result
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