Page 18 - Malatesta
P. 18

F. Angelelli et al.

                          Fig.17 - Premise and geological map of the Calabrian deposits cropping out in the Grammichele area at the fossiliferous site of Cata-
                          llarga (MALATESTA, 1960).
                          Premessa e carta geologica relativa al Calabriano nel territorio di Grammichele e la zona fossilifera di Catallarga (MALATESTA, 1960).

                             ancient than Pliocene, due to the presence of Pec-  stropods, for each species the taxonomic position
                             ten planomedius and Chlamys pesfelis.            (including synonymy), dimensions, and number of
                                                                              the collected specimens are provided. Furthermore,
                          32. 1960 - MALATESTA A., “Malacofauna pleistocenica di   for each species stratigraphical, ecological and pa-
                             Grammichele (Sicilia). Parte I”. (Fig. 17).      laeogeographic information are given.
                             This monograph represents “the first outstanding
                             research” that A. Malatesta left to the paleontologi-  33. 1961 - JACOBACCI  A.,  MALATESTA  A.  &  MOTTA  S.,
                             cal community. This study is of particular importance    “Piano di studi nello stretto di Messina per il colle-
                             since it includes the richest Calabrian fauna known   gamento della Sicilia con la Calabria. I Ricerche ge-
                             till then in Sicily. This first part is divided in 4 chap-  ologiche”.
                             ters. In the first the composition of the fauna with the
                             list of the collected species, notes on their ecology,   34. 1962 - MALATESTA A., “Mediterranean Polyplacopho-
                             considerations  on those species “survived” or de-  ra, Cenozoic and Recent”.
                             rived from the Neogene Mediterranean fauna of In-     A study about the origin and  the diffusion of the
                             do-Pacific origin  (about 12%),  and information  on   present Mediterranean  polyplacophoras is dis-
                             the new guests of extra-Mediterranean origin are   cussed. For each of the 13 species represented in
                             described.  The second chapter devotes different   the Mediterranean Sea, the  Author gives the de-
                             pages to the problems of the immigration of the At-  scription of the morphological characteristics of the
                             lantic species in the Mediterranean, that occurred   plates  accompanied by schematic sketches and
                             during the glacial phases. In the third chapter, the   maps with their distribution from the Neogene to
                             problem of the classification is discussed, particular-  Present, in order to better clarify their origin and dif-
                             ly the difficulties to compare the examined fauna   fusion from Cenozoic to Present. Lepidopleurus (Le-
                             with the species and the sub-species types. Finally,   pidopleurus) cajetanus, Lepidopleurus (Lepidopleu-
                             in the fourth chapter devoted to the taxonomy of ga-  rus) cancellatus, Hanleya  hanleyi,  Lepidochitona
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