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Alberto Malatesta: 20 years of activity at the Geological Survey of Italy                 29

                             (Lepidochitona) cinereus, Ischnochiton (Ischnochi-  Climbed undularia?,  and Omphaloptlcha turris sug-
                             ton) rissoi, Chiton (Chiton) olivaceus, Chiton (Chi-  gest an age near to middle-upper Triassic with “sug-
                             ton) corallinus,  Acanthochitona communis, Midden-  gestione preponderante verso il Carnico-Retico. Nel-
                             dorffia caprearum are endemic Mediterranean spe-  la faunula compaiono forme sia della facies germa-
                             cies widespread since the Mio-Pliocene; Lepidopleu-  nica che di quella alpina” [preponderant suggestion
                             rus (Lepidopleurus) asellus, Lepidopleurus  (Lepi-  toward the Carnico - Retico. In the faunula appear
                             dopleurus) algerinensis, Callochiton (Callochiton)   forms both of the German and of the Alpine facies.] .
                             achatinus, Acanthochitona (Acanthochitona) fascicu-  The small sizes, according to the Author due to
                             laris immigrated from the Atlantic into the Mediterra-  dwarfism as already pointed  out in other  Triassic
                             nean in the middle-early Pleistocene; for Callochiton   faunas, are also underlined.
                             (Callochiton) achaticus a Mediterranean origin in ra-
                             ther recent times is very probable.           39. 1964 - MALATESTA  A., “Uber einige pleistozane
                                                                              Susswassermollusken aus Mittel-Italien”.
                          35. 1962 - MALATESTA A., “Il cane selvaggio del Pleisto-     For the first time, the continental molluscan faunas
                             cene di Sardegna”.                               collected from the Pleistocene deposits of Tuscany
                             In this paper, the bone remains (skulls, jaws, verte-  and Umbria are broadly described and discussed; in
                             brae, and limb bones) collected near Alghero within   this occasion a new subspecies Viviparus bergeroni
                             an ossiferous  breccias post-Tyrrhenian in age are   etruscus is arised. The other examined forms are:
                             described. They have been referred to Cuon (Cyno-  Unio pillae, Margaritifera (Pseudunio) auricularia,
                             therium) sardous (Studiati). This species is charac-  and Corbicula fluminalis.
                             terised by a rather narrow and lengthened head and
                             short limbs, intermediary between the jackal and the   40. 1967 - DRAGONE F., MAINO A., MALATESTA A. & SE-
                             Lycaon.  The morphology of the teeth revealed an   GRE A.G., “F° 149 Cerveteri. Note Ill”.
                             exclusively carnivorous attitude, since they were not      Within the geological survey for the Sheet “Cervete-
                             adapted to the bone trituration. Remains of deer   ri” A. Malatesta  worked in the northern part on the
                             bones connected to the recovery of Cuon suggested   Quaternary stratigraphy (from q to F1 terrains), de-
                             that the deer  was its usual  prey. Since the preys   scribing the marine clays/sands and the fluvial
                             were larger-sized than the predators, it is possible to   lake/deltaic sequences, both from a sedimentologic
                             suppose that  C.  (C.)  sardous probably chased  in   and paleontological point of view (from microfaunas
                             group.                                           to vertebrates). Geological profiles and stratigraphic
                          36. 1963 - MALATESTA A., “Malacofauna pleistocenica di   logs are also provided to better clarify some geome-
                             Grammichele (Sicilia). Parte II”.                tric relations  such as the escarp near the  Torre in
                             The second part of the Grammichele monography    Pietra castle or the regular slope of the Vallone of
                             was published with a remarkable delay in compari-  Pratolungo between Pagliaccetto and Torre in Pietra
                             son with the first one, due to lack of funds. It con-  localities.
                             tains the completion of the IV chapter on taxonomy,
                             dealing with Scaphopoda and Bivalvia classes, and   41. 1967 - JACOBACCI A., MALATESTA A., MARTELLI G. &
                             by a V chapter devoted to the geographic and strati-  STAMPANONI G., “F°163 Lucera. Note Ill”.
                             graphic distribution of the mollusc species, with ana-     Together  with  G. Stampanoni, A. Malatesta  carried
                             lytical indexes and bibliography.                out the stratigraphical study of the Pliocene-Calabrian
                                                                              and Quaternary sediments of the Sheet “Lucera”. He
                          37. 1964 - MALATESTA A., “Fossili eocenici del territorio   studied also the collected molluscan faunas.
                             di Briga e Tenda”.
                             “L’ing. FRANCHI S., cui si deve una parte del rile-  42. 1967 - MALATESTA A., PERNO U. & STAMPANONI G.,
                             vamento del foglio Boves (n.91 della Carta Geologi-  “F.° 175 Cerignola. Note Ill”.
                             ca d’Italia), raccolse una serie di campioni fossiliferi      In this note, A. Malatesta contributed to write several
                             in terreni eocenici dei Monti di Briga e Tenda nelle   chapters (introduction, historical signs about geologi-
                             Alpi Marittime.  Questo materiale, conservato  nelle   cal knowledge  of the region,  morphology, applied
                             Collezioni del Servizio Geologico d’Italia, era rimasto   geology).  Together with G. Stampanoni,  he  de-
                             sino ad oggi inedito. L’autore pubblica qui il risultato   scribed the Plio-Pleistocene successions, and he put
                             dello studio dei resti dei molluschi  ed echinidi. Si   in evidence that the clayey-sandy complex, characte-
                             tratta di 17 bivalvi dei quali è stato possibile ricono-  rized at the base and the top by conglomerated epi-
                             scere la specie e di uno indicato solo genericamen-  sodes, represented a  whole sedimentary cycle, al-
                             te, di 14 di gasteropodi e di un echinide. La distribu-  though the upper terms may have included second-
                             zione stratigrafica delle forme segnalate indica   ary episodes of sea oscillations and flooding.
                             un’ètà compresa tra l’Eocene medio e l’Eocene su-
                             periore (Luteziano-Priaboniano). Notevole è  la pre-  43. 1967 - CONATO  V.,  MALATESTA  A.  &  VALLETTA  M.,
                             senza di forme a carattere meridionale, africano.”   “Calabriano ad Acrtica islandica sulla costa meridio-
                                                                              nale d’Abruzzo”.
                          38. 1964 - MALATESTA A., “Trias fossilifero a Marettimo      During the geological survey of the “Vasto” Sheet,
                             nelle isole Egadi”.                              some fossiliferous levels were found along a clayey
                             The fossiliferous levels bearing mollusc faunas in   escarpment near km 520 of the “Adriatic” highway
                             the Marettimo Island are here reported. The recog-  (locality Salce - Sheet 148 at 1:100.000 scale IGM
                             nized species  Modiolus paronai, Modiolus gracilis,   tab. II NE Casalbordino). They bore Arctica islandica
                             Pleuromya  cf.  musculoides, Lexonema obsoletum,   and a characteristic Calabrian microfauna including
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