Page 22 - Malatesta
P. 22

F. Angelelli et al.

                             Published  in 1974, this monograph is the result of   extension. Demand n°8396/10098 of the 24-05-1960
                             over one decade of researches. It concerns 356   n°440 (Figs. 21-24) .
                             species and/or subspecies of molluscs coming from
                             the Pliocene deposits of  Umbria and, partially, of   1961 - On demand of the Genio Civile office of Sassari:
                             Tuscany. It is a complete  monographic work in   consolidation of the build-up area of Esporlato (Sassari).
                             which for every species the following items are pro-  Demand n°5793 of the 24-04-1961 n°503 (Fig. 25).
                             vided: taxonomy, synonymy, description and discus-
                             sion  of the distinctive characters (with information   1961. On demand of the Genio Civile office of Reggio
                             about the number of collected specimens, their di-  Calabria: study on the consolidation of the build-up areas
                             mensions and  indication of the layers of origin),   of Plaesano - Feroleto della  Chiesa (Reggio Calabria).
                             chronological and geographical distribution, ecology,   Demand n°2107 of the 20-6-1961 n° 518 (Fig. 26).
                             and, finally, some general considerations. For some
                             species, considered more meaningful, the variation   1961 - On demand of the  Provveditorato Opere Pub-
                             of their geographical distribution is reported for the   liche of Cagliari: study of  the landslides near  Esterzilli
                             different periods of Cenozoic Era, sometimes up to   (Cagliari). Demand n°8173 of the 12-07-1961 n° 537
                             the present day. Those variations are shown through   (Fig. 27).
                             geographical maps (24  in total),  with the intent to
                             evidence the  dispersion areas  of the different  spe-  1961 - On demand of the Ministero del Lavori Pubblici:
                             cies through  different times. Moreover, a scheme   study  for  the application n°5972 of the 28-08-1961 con-
                             with the distribution of the forms described in the Eu-  solidation of the build-up area of Aggius (Sassari) n° 543.
                             ropean basins  (North Sea,  European Atlantic and
                             Mediterranean) and northern Africa (African Atlantic)   1962 - On demand of the Genio Civile office of Reggio
                             from the Cenozoic to the present is also provided.   Calabria: study for the consolidation of the build-up areas
                             The value of this monograph is completed  by the   of Campoli and Agromastelli near Caulonia (Reggio Ca-
                             presence of 32 photographic black and white tables.   labria). Demand n°826 of the 26-2-1962 n° (Fig. 28).

                                                                           5.2 Technical-administrative tasks
                          5. OTHER TASKS                                       Among the many activities carried out by A. Mala-
                                                                           testa within the Geological Survey of Italy, the following
                          5.1 Applied geology consultancy                  are worth to be mentioned:
                              Beyond the compilation of the Geological Map of   a)  Member of the Editorial Board of the Bollettino del
                          Italy scale 1:100.000, one of the main task of the Geo-  Servizio Geologico d’Italia from 1968 (Fig. 29);
                          logical Survey of Italy was to provide geological support   b)  Member of the Italian Stratigraphy Committee from
                          to Public Administrations and the public and private cor-  1969 (Fig. 30);
                          porate bodies to solve problems related to the stability   c)  Following the voluntary resignation of the General
                          of the inhabited areas, road constructions, etc. The as-  Manager of the Geological Survey of Italy Attilio Mo-
                          sistance of the Geological Survey was asked not only by   retti and before the nomination of Alfredo Jacobacci,
                          the Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici, but also by the Cassa   at the end of his career in the Geological Survey A.
                          del Mezzogiorno, Province  Administrations, the Genio   Malatesta was deputy General Manager of the Geo-
                          Civile etc. It must be underlined that, along the years,   logical Survey of Italy for a brief period.
                          the request for the investigations on landslides became
                          more and more frequent, as soon as the public interest
                          moved towards areas not previously urbanized (urbanis-  ACKNOWEDGMENTS
                          tic and road expansion, construction of aqueducts, etc.).
                          From this perspective it is easy to understand why, al-  We wish to thank our friend and colleague Gabriel-
                          though A. Malatesta was not assigned to the applied   la Pesci for her support and expertise in the English
                          geology sector, he was requested to give also applied   translation of this paper.
                          geology consultancies.
                              Examining the registers currently in the archive of
                          the Department of Land  Defence - Service of Applied   REFERENCES
                          Geology and Hydrogeology,  we have drawn several   ANGELELLI F. (1992) - Guida tecnica per la realizzazione
                          documents from which it results that A. Malatesta gave   di un centro di documentazione geologica del terri-
                          the following consultancies in the years 1950-1965:
                          1955 - On demand of the Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici:   torio nazionale - Progetto Geodoc - Le collezioni
                          Study on the landslides in the Naso area (Messina).   Paleontologiche, 1-20. Inedito, Servizio Geologico
                                                                               Nazionale, May 1992, Roma.
                          Demand n°1126 of the 01-03-1955 (Fig. 19).       ANGELELLI F. (1995) - Peculiar sensorimotor characters
                                                                               inferred from an endocranial cast of Nesolutra ich-
                          1958 - On demand of the Catanzaro Province: Study on
                          the consolidation of the build-up area of the Scaglio and   nusae  Malatesta, an endemic pleistocene otter
                                                                               from Sardinia. Geol. Romana, 31, pp.15-20.
                          Canali neighbourhoods (CZ). Demand n°2812 of the 23-  ANGELELLI F. (2006) - Il museo virtuale delle Collezioni
                          12-1958 (Fig. 20).
                                                                               geologiche e storiche di APAT: Le Collezioni pale-
                          1960 - On demand of the Genio Civile office of Avellino:   ontologiche- Giornate di Paleontologia 2006 - So-
                          study for the consolidation of the build-up areas of Mon-  cietà Paleontologica  Italiana Trieste,  8-11/06/
                          tecalvo and Bisaccia (Avellino). Proposal of perimetrical   2006, Abstracts, p. 34.
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