Page 20 - Malatesta
P. 20
F. Angelelli et al.
Astrononion citai, Bolivina catanensis and Lepto- 122 Perugia, F° 130 Orvieto. Note Ill”.
cythere multipunctata, allowing “... di definire l’età The contribution of A. Malatesta to this note is re-
dei sedimenti della costa meridionale dell’Abruzzo, e lated to the stratigraphy of “Città di Castello” and
di aggiungere un nuovo dato circa la diffusione di “Perugia” geologic sheets of which he was the sur-
quel bivalve nel Mediterraneo pleistocenico “ [to de- vey director and the Plio-Pleistocene macrofauna
fine the sediments age of the Abruzzo southern co- analyst. He underlined that” I sedimenti marini, o
ast and to add a new datum about the diffusion of prevalentemente tali, di età pliocenica affiorano nelle
that bivalve in the Mediterranean Pleistocene]. serie occidentali dei fogli “Perugia “ ed “Orvieto” e
sono in evidente trasgressione su tutti i sedimenti
44. 1969 - COMPAGNONI B., CONATO V., FOLLIERI M. & più antichi: Si tratta di litofacies esclusivamente cla-
MALATESTA A., “Il Calabriano di Scalea”. stiche, con elementi da finissimi a grossolani. I de-
Along the Calabrian coast, during the survey of the positi plio-pleistocenici di facies continentale appar-
tablet II NO “Scalea” of the Sheet N° 220 “Verbica- tengono a più cicli di deposizione ed anch’essi pre-
ro”, sandy-clayey sediments were sampled and sentano facies prevalentemente clastiche”.
provided a microfauna with Globigerina dubia, G.
pachyderma, Hyalinea balthica, Globorotalia infla- 49. 1970 - MALATESTA A., “Cynotherium sardous STUDIA-
ta, Loxostoma pseudodigital, and 105 species of TI an extinct canid from the Pleistocene of Sardinia”.
molluscs with the 10% of extinct forms. This per- “The first remains of a fossil dog found in Sardinia
centage was higher than those displayed by the were formerly regarded by STUDIATI as rapresen-
classical Sicilian faunas and a little bit lower than tant of a new genus and species, Cynotherium
that of the Grammichele Calabrian layers. These sardous. The rich material recentely come to light in
data suggested for the sediments of Scalea a lower a cave, from a layer correlated to the Wurm glacial
Calabrian age. The recovered vegetable remains stage, allows to get a complete description of the
attributed to Fagus silvatica, Pinus and Abies sug- skeleton of that species. In the general form of its
gested relatively cold climatic conditions. The se- dog is more similar to species of the genus Canis
dimentary succession, interrupted at the top by an than to any representant of the Cuoninae. Even the
erosional surface, continued upwards with conglo- mandible differs from the cuonine pattern and shows
merates and sands referable to the Sicilian age. rather a fox-like profile, being elongated, straight
Terraced sediments, with pebbles, referable to the and slender, with condyloid process placed low in
Tyrrhenian I or to the Milazzian stages close the comparison with the alveolar border. There are in
succession. the skull, some peculiar characters, such as lyrate
sagittal area, small bullae, long frontals with small
45. 1969 - JACOBACCI A., MALATESTA A., MARTELLI G., “ postorbital processes, narrow palatine. High and
F° 121 Montepulciano. Note Ill”. swollen maxillary, that distinguish it form the skull of
As specified in the introduction “A. Malatesta ha rile- whichever known living or fossil dog.
vato i sedimenti plio-pleistocenici della parte centro- The dental formula is: i 3.3, c 1.1 , p 4.4 , m 2.2 .
orientale del foglio (Val di Chiana)………. ha diretto 3.3 1.1 3-(4) . 3-(4) 3.3
e coordinato gli studi nei sedimenti più recen- Most probabily Cynotherium diet consisted mainly of
ti……Lo studio delle macrofaune plio-pleistoceniche small mammals, birds and other small animals in-
è stato condotto da A. Malatesta e M.L. Nicosia”. In cludes Prolagus”.
particular, on the basis of geologic-stratigraphical
sections, A. Malatesta described the P1-M3 depo- 50. 1970 - MALATESTA A., “Nascita della nomenclatura
sits, underlining the progressive predominance of binomia e della classificazione”.
conglomerates in the upper part of the succession. This paper represents a short historical excursus on
He referred the pebble deposits to the Pliocene se- the birth of Taxonomy. With the use of the binomial
ries and clarified the geometric relations between nomenclature and the Latin language, the linguistic
the fluvial-lacustrine and marine Pliocene deposits. barriers are overcome, allowing the scientists of the
whole world to understand each other using the same
46. 1969 - MALATESTA A., “Conchiglie di mare che si taxonomical language.
raccolgono in terra”.
This short note includes a brief description of the 51. 1971 - MALATESTA A., “Appunti di paleontologia ge-
fossilization processes of mollusc shells, followed by nerale”.
the description of 8 species of living molluscs: 4 This text-book was written for the students of the
species of Murex e 4 of Voluta. course of Paleontology at “La Sapienza” University
of Roma. Several palaeontological topics are treated
47. 1969 - MALATESTA A., “Conchiglie di mare che rac- in a clear and exhaustive way: fossilization, evolu-
colgono a terra - Un gruppo scomparso di bivalvi: le tion, concept of genus, geographical distribution,
Rudiste”. mechanisms of speciation, environment, actualism,
This one-page short article illustrates, with simplicity and elements of statistics, as well as a complete ex-
but at the same time with scientific rigor, the Rudist position of the invertebrate taxonomy, and some in-
fossil group. formation about fossil vertebrates and plants.
48. 1970 - JACOBACCI A., BERGOMI C., CENTAMORE E., 52. 1971 - MALATESTA A., SURIANO F., “Avifauna pleisto-
MALATESTA A., MALFERRARI N., MARTELLI G., PAN- cenica di Alghero (Sardegna)”
NUZZI L. & ZATTINI N., “F°115 Città di Castello, F° In this paper, the fossil remains of about 20 species