Page 15 - Malatesta
P. 15
Alberto Malatesta: 20 years of activity at the Geological Survey of Italy 25
formations of different ages are recognizable, as Sardinia and often connected to buildings of burial
well as traces of two ancient shorelines at 5 and 30 and cult.
meters s.l.m., presumably related to two different
Tyrrhenian transgressions. 14. 1955 - MALATESTA A. & SEGRE A.G., “F° 111 Livor-
no. Note illustrative della Carta geologica d’Italia”.
9. 1954 - MALATESTA A., “Aluni risultati della campagna It is worth to underline that A. Malatesta alone car-
geologica (1953)”. ried out the layout of this note, as well as the whole
In this paper some results related to the field sur- sheet survey, wherehas A.G. Segre developed the
veys of sheets N°18 “Sondrio”, N°192 “Alghero”, and continental and marine hydrography. This is also
N°273 “Caltagirone” are reported. More in particular, documented by the words of Beneo, at that moment
the stratigraphic and geomorphologic data on the Director of the Geological Survey of Italy, when, in
Quaternary deposits of the high Val Brembana the 1951 activity annual report textually wrote “… si
(Sheet “Sondrio”) are discussed; observations re- è realizzato in pochi mesi, ad opera del dott. Mala-
lated to the Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments of the I testa il completamento del rilievo ex novo del foglio
and IV quadrant of the “Alghero” sheet are reported; 111 (Livorno), ora praticamente pronto per la stam-
the Plio-Pliestocene successions of the tablets IV° pa della 2° edizione.” (BENEO, 1951).
NW and SW of the “Caltagirone” sheet are analyzed Since Leghorn was the native town of Malatesta, it is
in a stratigraphic and tectonic perspective. perhaps easier to understood how much the enthu-
siasm and the knowledges already previously ac-
10. 1954 - MALATESTA A., “Risultati del rilevamento del quired by A. Malatesta could have contributed to
F° 192 Alghero, Sardegna. Fossili delle spiagge tir- give those definitive results in such a brief time.
reniane”. Particularly interesting are the considerations on the
“Le spiagge fossili tirreniane di quota +5 del litorale genesis of the conglomerate of Calafuria, aged Oli-
di Alghero contengono una ricca fauna di molluschi gocene-Miocene, in which the presence of a marine
marini. L’autore fornisce un elenco di oltre 140 for- bivalve fauna suggested its deposition in a marine
me raccolte in quei depositi ed afferma trattarsi di coastal environment.
uno dei più ricchi complessi tipicamente tirreniani
noti nel Mediterraneo settentrionale. Seguono brevi 15. 1955 - MALATESTA A., “Risultati preliminari del rile-
considerazioni su alcune specie elencate e viene vamento in Sicilia e nelle isole Egadi”.
descritta la nuova forma Purpura (Stramonita) hae- Here, the sediments cropping out in the Grammi-
mastoma LINNAEUS f. johannae n.” chele area (Trubi Fm., tufa and sandstones) and the
recent deposits of the Egadi Island are shortly de-
11. 1954 - MALATESTA A. & SETTEPASSI F., “Risultati del scribed. At Favignana the Calabrian-Tyrrhenian de-
rilevamento del F°192 Alghero, Sardegna. Fossili posits are covered by reddish sands while at Levan-
delle formazioni continentali quaternarie”. zo and Marettimo only the Tyrrhenian deposits are
21 species of terrestrial and fresh water molluscs, present, followed by aeolian dunes at Levanzo and
15 of birds and 5 of mammals coming from the by breccias at Marettimo.
breccias, aeolian sandstones and post-Tyrrhenian
travertines in the Alghero area are listed. Most of 16. 1955 - MALATESTA A. & NICOSIA M.L., “I fossili del
them are reported for the first time in the Quaternary Pliocene e Pleistocene di Agrigento della Collezione
of Sardinia, and some are not present in the present Lomi”.
day fauna of the island. Moreover, a new form of the The list of 183 Piacenzian and Calabrian species is
terrestrial gastropod Retinella incerta DRAPARNAUD reported. Particularly, the Calabrian fauna is com-
n.f. oblivia is described (note n. 3). posed by 9 Echinodermata, 4 Bryozoa, 70 Bivalvia,
72 Gastropoda and 8 Scaphopoda, while the Pia-
12. 1954 - MALATESTA A., “Primo dente di elefante fossi- cenzian one, less diversified, consists of 7 bivalves,
le rinvenuto in Sardegna”. 12 gastropods and 1 Scaphod. It is to be remarked
In this paper it is described the upper right M1 re- that 88 Calabrian species were not yet reported at
covered in a post-Tyrrhenian breccia near Alghero, that time.
referred to E. lamarmorae (species next to E. meri-
dionalis). For some characters, this tooth is compa- 17. 1955 - MALATESTA A., “Faune a Cyprina islandica L.
rable with the upper molars of the Sicilian species E. tra piazza Armerina e Mazzarino (Sicilia centro-
melitensis. meridionale)”.
“Una nuova località fossilifera individuata presso
13. 1954 - MALATESTA A., “Il cosidetto Campanile della S. Cono (Piazza Armerina) ha fornito una piccola
necropoli nuragica di S. Andrea Priu (Bonorva)”. fauna nella quale appare assai di frequente Cypri-
The Author describes and illustrates a prehistoric na islandica L.; questa specie è stata raccolta an-
monument of the Nuragic necropolis of S. Andrea che recentemente nel nuovo giacimento di M. Na-
Priu in Sardinia, which can be interpreted as a vone. Le faune delle due località non sono suffi-
grave. Its shape recalls a not identifiable zoomor- cienti a definire se si tratti di Pliocene superiore o
phic figure (the anterior part of the head is miss- di Calabriano Sebbene nei molluschi vi sia una cer-
ing), possibly a taurine image, very common in ta tendenza verso il più recente, l’associazione dei