Page 9 - Ragg_et_al-1999-Tectonics
P. 9

RAGG ET AL.: TECTONIC STRESS IN SICILY                                     677

Table 2. BoreholesGroupedin SevenDifferentGeologicContexts

Name             SHmax +/-                                    Total Lengthof  Numberof Breakout

Hyblean Plateau  StandaDrdeviation                            Breakoumts,     Intervals
Catania Plain    148ø+/- 30ø                                  3912            61
Gela             131ø+/- 63ø                                  3536            41
WesternSicily    47 ø +/- 18ø                                 872             4
Ramacca          20 ø +/- 16ø                                 1158            15
Angelo           131ø+/- 34ø                                  2416            33
                 66 ø +/- 13ø                                 280             2
                 36ø+/- 12ø                                   298             4

   The directionof the maximum horizontalstressSHmax, the standarddeviation,the total (added)
length of the individualbreakoutsa, ndthe totalnumberof breakoutsin eachareaare listed.

Monaco et al., 1996]. The N to NNW SHmax orientation is       southeasteSrnicilyvia Maltato Tunisiatheconvergenbtelt
interpretedto be associatedwith the active developmentof the  Africa-Europeis characterizedby NNW to NW-SE SHmax
thrustbelts owing to the oblique convergenceand intraplate    orientations,which are largely coherentover distancesof
deformationobservedalong this sectorof the northernmargin
of the African plate.                                         hundredsof kilometersb, eingroughlyorthogonatlo the
                                                              collisionapllateboundaryT.he sameis observeadlongthe
   Figure 10 showsthat the SHmax direction obtainedby the     NW-SE orientedcollisionfront between.Apuliaand the
analysis of borehole breakouts from the Hyblean Plateau of
southeasternSicily has marked analogies with the whole set    southernApennines, where the data show NE-SW oriented
of data from the African plate margin. In fact, from
                                                              SHmaxdirectionsL.ocally,ason theorogenifcoredeepof
                                                              southeasteSrincily(Gelaforedeepandin westernSicily),the

Mozia(21) Triglia(20) Corvi(22) Menfi(19)

                        II                                                    Chalks(LowerPliocene)

                        0 180                                                 Marls (Pliocene)

                                                              0 180           Sands(UpperMiocene)

                 0 180                                                        Clays(UpperMiocene)


                                                                              Clayswith sandyintercalations
                                                                              Limestones(Middle-Lower Miocene)

                                                                              Marls (Paleocene)Allochthonous

                                                                              (AmedlloFm., UpperCretaceous)
                                                                              Marly limestones
                                                                              (Hybla Fm., LowerCretaceous)


                                                                              (Equiv.SiracusaFm., LowerJurassic)


0 180

Figure8. ThewellsCorvi(well22),Mozia(well21) andTriglia(well20) aredrillednearthewesterncoast
of Sicilyanddisplaya softswingin SHmaxorientationfrom N (well 20) to NW. All of themreachthe
carbonaticbasementthroughthe allochthonouusnit while Menfi (19) is locatedin the southerncoastand

drilled only the clays of the allochthonous.
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