Page 2 - TonarelliTurgutcan1992
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conteni and density, for these and virtually ali                                                     Adventure Bank
other ceres. These measured properties must be                                             Adventure Bank (Tables 1, 2) is one of the
regarded as reflecting, but not definitively                                    better known of the recent sediment areas on the
defining, these properties in the sea floor. In                                 Sicilian-Tunisian Platform (Colantoni et al., this

addition, no estimates of gas content or character                              vol.)
are made here.

            8oth grab samples, which are surface
·sediments only, and core samples, which sample
surface and near-sub surface sediments, were
taken from SACLANTCEN operated research
v essels.

                 Centrai Malta Plateau

           Cores 254 and 255 are similar (Table 6;
Fig. 5) . They mainly consist of silt with small

fractions of clay and sand, and both consist of from

30% to 45% calcium carbonate. Core 256 is
composed of fine silty sand, whilst core 258 is
dominated by silt and clay; both have a slightly
lower calcium carbonate conteni than cores 254
and 255. Core 257, however. is abnormal in that it
has an average carbonate conteni in excess of

70% and a more equa! clay-si1t-sand size fraction
distribution than the other ceres.

Core  Posit ion        Date              Oeoth            Length                Table 1. Adventure Bank, Grab samples. =indicate
                                         1ml                                                           approximate depth.
 254  36 ' 17 .TN .    31·1·92                             iml
 255  14 '36 s· E      09·2·92             144
 256  36 "17. 7'N.     09·2·92             138               l 25
 257  14 '42 s· E      09·2-92                              2 25
 258  3 6 ' 1 7 .5'N,  11·2·92             128
      14·51.5' E                           !O i i           1 65
      36' 18.0'N.                                           l 05
      14 ·53 3' E                            \~3
      36 24.8'N,                                            2 80
      14' 38.4' E

Table 6. cçntral Malta Plateau, core samples                                         Core Position               ~         Depth Le-ngih :

                                                                                      131 37''18.0'N             12·8·71    .(m} Lml
                                                                                                  11 "55.0' E    13-8-71
                                                                                                                ' 22-4-91     82 o.5 · !
                                                                                      132 37' 12.0' N           22·4·91
                                                2$7 25él                                          12'' 11.5' E  22·4 ·91   63 1.78
                                                                                     247 37'14.9' N             26-4-91    89 2 .10
                                                                                                  12' 05.7' E              86 · z :oo" -- ~

                                                                                     248 37"16.2' N                        83 1.85" :
                                                                                                  12"05.6' E                        ..!
                                                                                     249 37 ' 16.7' N                      !33       i
                                                                                                  12''04.6' E
                                                                                                                           68 '1.58 ..
                                                                                     250 37"29.2' N
                                                                                                 12"15.3' E                . '· --·· - ____ j

                                                                                     251 37"25.7' N
                                                                                                 12"20.5' E

                                                                                     Table 2. Adventure Bank, core samples

~~    0AAVEI.. ~~  COAASE  ~              IIH!  l~77J'.]  SII.T  ~~      Ct.AY             Visual descriptions of the ceres allow
                     SANO  L.:..:..:.lJ  SAN'                    Q::;:j
                                                                                these uppermost seafloor sediments to· be
Figure 2. Centrai Malta Plateau core stratigraphy.
                       Depths in metres.                                        compared directly (Fig. 2). While the ceres do noi
                                                                                penetrate sufficiently far to reach below the

                                                                                surlace sediment layer in most cases, in many
                                                                                cases they appear to have cored the entire of the

                                                                                aerobic zone. Water depths at core locations
                                                                                varies between 33 m and 89 m. Ceres are slightly

                                                                                longer where thin muddy silt was recovered
                                                                                immediately at the sediment surface.

                                                                                           The grain size analysis carried out on the

                                                                                ceres is identica! with the analyses carried out on
                                                                                the grab samples and allow for direct comparison
                                                                                of results. Samples from the ceres have been

                                                                                taken al the surface and at every 1Ocm downward
                                                                                and at every macroscopic variation. More modern

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