Page 3 - TonarelliTurgutcan1992
P. 3

analyses show grain size as a phi quantity               Table 3 . Pantelleria grab and core sites.
(Shepard, 1954}, while some of the older analyses
refer only to grosser quantities of sand, silt, clay,                        lampedusa Bank
et c.                                                               Both grab (Table 4) and core (Table 5}

           With minor exceptions, the upper seafloor     samples were collected from an arcuate area
sediment is heterogeneous and no mappable                centred an Lampedusa lsland (Fig. 1).
beds have been delineated. There is some
simila rity between cores 247-248-249-132 where          r~ 1 eositiè>-n--r·'Oate-To-eolr·.
similar components appear to lie between 1O and                                o l Lml 1
40 cm in composition . In these cores there are
higher percentages of clay and lower percentages         4·5 · 35013.o7' N··· ; 23: n c;·- ·;;go·-;
of carbonates compared to other parts of the same
cores. Core 250 is unique because particle size is       6 · · ~~:~~:~;·~·~-~ -23:·5:71·+· -;65-1
almost entirely bimodal with a medium grain size
fraction virtually absent.                                     -i12°49.0 1°E ! l l

           Calcium carbonate has been analyzed           7 · 35°19.04° N : ·24:5.71 ; ... ..:ss-
only far the grab samples taken in 1976.
Carbonate comprises almost ali of both                       12"12.07°E ·           o:
specimens. 95,9% of grab sample 2/76 is CaC03                35•'N 24·8-71 : ·-=50 ·1
                                                         8                          '!
while 98.4% of grab sample 1B /76 is CaC03.                  12"31° OOE
           Sediment color is relatively unvaried         9 35°17.04° N ; ' 25-8-71 Ì :.SO··;
                                                             12°51.01° E ·          :·
(Munsell, 1975}. Most of the sediment is brown to
gray.                                                    10 35"2fOOr N :- 25·8·71 -,-- ;.70.. . o'l

                     Pantelleria Basin                       12 '43°OOE '           '
           One grab and one core sample in clay-         11 35"21.00° N 26·8·71 ;.1o-- i
dominant sed iments, hav e been taken in the
northwest end of the NW-SE trending deep about               12•43° OOE '                      i
18 to 19 km to the southeast of Pantelleria lsland
(Table 3). The sediments here were anticipated as        12 35•20.00° N 26·8-71 =70 . :
being very different from th e shallower water               12•29.09 E
sediments. A long core with a nearby grab sample                                               i
far bed surface contro! provides a reference core
sil e far a d eep water area near a volcanic island an   10 35° 11.42' N 14·8·76 ·; "64 ·-;
the Sicilian-Tunisian Plattorm .
           Only one core was taken in this area, so                12 '53.04° E
no assessment of latera! continuity can be made          11 35' 25.25' N 14·8-76 . 71 - -~
(Fig. 3) . Comparison with cores taken by others,
                                                         12  12 ' 2 3 . 7 5°E  14·8·76 ; . 69 . i
however (Colantoni et al. , this vol.), indicatès that                                            i
there is little or no latera! continuity of individuai       35''24.04° N
sand lenses within the Pantelle ria Basin.                   12 '28.01' E

                                                         13 35' 21.04' N 14·8 ·76 . 66 . ·;
                                                                  12"32.01' E
                                                         14 35' 19.05' N 14·8-76 .;. 66 .• .;

                                                             12"36.05' E
                                                             35°17.05° N
                                                             12'•40.08° E      14·8·76 i. .63  l

                                                         16 35. 15.06° N 14·8·76               64 . \

                                                             12"44.09° E            •
                                                         17 35"13.06° N • 14·8-76 ; . =75"..:
                                                             12''50.05° E
                                                             35 '07.09° N 14·8·76 ! .. 86 .. ·~
                                                         18  12"'51.05• E ;             !      . 84· - l!
                                                         19  35°03.09° N.• -   '14:8·76 ..! -
                                                         20  12' 50.05° E l
                                                                                    ì          -89·- !;
                                                             34•59.09° N · ; · 14·8·76. • ·
                                                             12°'50.05' E o l l
                                                             34°55.09' N . i 14-8·76 T .. 9-!·- ..:
                                                         21  12°49.05' E . : !

                                                         22 34°52.00'N... ; '1 4·8·76 :. ' 1141
                                                                                        !      56 --·1/!
                                                         23  12 '48.04' E
                                                             35' 09.02° N      14:8;76 -~- ..
                                                         ·r .24
                                                             12 '45.05' E .         !          47" -~

                                                             35°07.02° N ; 14·8·76

                                                             12'39~o.t: ~. !. .....- . !······ _ __J

                                                         =Table 4. lampedusa Bank, Grab samples.

                                                                     indicates approximate deplh.

Figure 3. Pantelleria Basin core 139 stratigraphy.                    The cores are generally similar but differ in
Top of core to letto boltom to right. Oepths in metres.    detail (Fig . 4}. The carbonate in cores 133, 134,
                                                           and 253 vary between 88% to 94.5%0 Below the
                legend .same as in Figure 2.               top 2 cm , th ere is a correspondence of size
                                                           ranges. Also, where there are high percentages
                                                           of grave!, there is corresponding high carbonate
                                                           (Core 253 between 30-40 cm ; core 133 between
                                                           25 and 90 cm, and core 134 between 15 and 60

                                                           cm). Core 253 contains the most clay, core 252

                                                           contains the most carbonate , and core 241 is the

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