Page 4 - TonarelliTurgutcan1992
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most heterogeneous; Local depositional controls Sedimentary structures, such as
convolution, bed bottom compaction structures,
would seem to be important through al least the or bed flow features, are absent from our ceres.
history of deposition seen in these uppermost Bedding appears to be essentially planar, ~ith
hints of minor erosion below more coarse-gramed
sediments. Calcium carbonate varies between horizons that could be interpreted as storm
91.0% in grab 19/76 and 98.2% of grab 17/76. activity. However, currents in the area are known
to be high (Colantoni, et al., this vol.) and these
j. - .. ··-ì ·- ---.. .. ....... .. -- " "~. ! ~.. .. _ ...l erosive horizons and their overlying coarse-
grained beds may be due to local current activity,
· Core l Position Date , rather than storms. Lack of continuity at these
l ; ·133. 'i . 35°19.4''N -·:· 24;8-71 " · !ml ~ high energy sedimentary horizons between our
!ml ceres, suggests that current, rather than storm
1.70 . ·~ activity was responsible for their formation. Storm
65 activity could be expected to form more
widespread deposits . Persistence of s~ell
't34 ·-'~. 12°40 4' E --:;~· 25·8·71 .. 65 ' fragments in individuai ceres (187) and more fme
"35°18:0, N 1.30 -·; grained materia! in other ceres (252) suggests that
suggests that there has been some stability in the
; 12•35.0· E ! , location of active shell banl<s and locallow-current
sites in al least the uppermost sediment sampled
141 . . 35•t4.7' N 1 01-3-73 89 2.50 ··;.
· 12•51.2' E , by us.
185 , . 35°20.7' 'N ; 03·8·82 In strong centrasi to the Adventure and
. 12"35.2' E . 63 .!1.40
64 Lampedusa Banks, the uppermost sediment of
186 : · 35•22·:o N . .. '07-8-82 125 1.80... ; the centrai Malta Plateau is composed mainly of
12°41.9' E ! clayey silt with consistently higher mean phi values
(smaller particle size) . Sediments in the centrai
187 35°22.0' N 1 08·8·82 .. Malta Plateau also have between one-half and
12°50.7' E • one-third as much carbonate as on the shallower
banl<s where shelly carbonate materia! is actively
252 35°15.3' N ' 20-4-91 62 1.13 being produced. The generai relationship
12°46.0' E between mean particle size and carbonate
composition on the Ad•;enture and Lampedusa
253 35°21.3' N 02-5-91 24 2 .3 0 Banks, however, is maintaired on the Malta
Plateau , where the carbonate·rich sands and
12°34.8' E gravels are not present. Where particle size
fractions are smaller on the shallov1er banl<s,
Table 5.. Lampedusa Banl<, Core samples carbonate conteni is lower .
SEDIMENT SIZE RANGES ANO Bioturbation is common in the ceres from
COMPOSITION the west-central Malta Plateau. Branching filled
tubes containing more dense and sl ightly more
The shallow water sediments of the fine grained materia! are common, and whole areas
Adventure Banl< and the Lampedusa Banl< are locally lack fine·grained parallel lamination while
very similar, but not the same (Table 7) . Samples displaying an almost concretionary pattern.
from each area form two closely related groups. Reduction spots may indicate local fecal deposits
The sediments are mainly composed of gravely that have been oxidized. Some compaction
sand and sand. Lampedusa Banl< appears to have structures occur al the base of coarser beds, but
a slightly higher percentage of sand fraction (at
about 10%), but otherwise the sed iment size have noi developed relief of more than 0.5 cm.
ranges in both areas are almost indistinguishable. These loading structures appear to have no
In addition, percentages of CaC03 are virtually the directional or slope orientation, which is not
surprising considering their gentle manner of
same in the two areas. There may be more grave! deposition. the indicated lack of strong currents,
horizons present in the uppermost sediments on and the extremely gentle slope.
the Adventure Bank. There is the same
relationship between mean size (phi) and The long core in the Pantelleria Basin is
carbonate conteni of the sediment in both areas. dominated by clay with minor silt-rich horizons.
Where the average sediment particle size is low Carbonate conteni of the sediment is similar lo the
(high phi), for instance in a clay-rich sample, the sediments of the centrai Malta Plateau, confirming
quantity of carbonate is low. Conversely, where the relationship between mean particle size and
particle size is larger, carbonate comprises a larger carbonate conteni seen in the shallower water
part of the total specimen. This relationship holds areas. Local sources of coarse carbonate materia!
for both sand and grave! fractions where many of in the silt beds, which is especially common on thé
the grains can be identified as being shell, Adventure and Lampedusa Banks, would appear
phytoplanl<ton, or calcareous algae (i .e . to be the provenance for the more coarse-grained
Lithothamnia) debris. beds, even in the basin centre.
Coarse layers in ceres from both the 126
Adventure and Lampedusa Banks presented the
usual problems for particle size analyses in that
much of the detritus is composed of strongly
angular shell fragments, which largely retain their
own sectional shape, having not yet been
reduced to relatively equi-dimensionai clasts. This
is typical for areas where shelly bieta are strongly
active and sediment supply from other sources is
minima!. Although these fragments are referred to
as grave! in analyses, simply because of their
ma~imum size: their irregularity in fact confers a
s~d1ment fabnc complexity that is not seen in
e1ther the west-central Malta Plateau or the
dee~er waters where pelagic sedimentation