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        54                                E. Tondi et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 37 (2012) 53e64
        already compacted bands, pressure solution is the main process  2. Geological framework
        responsible for grain-size reduction (Tondi, 2007), which could be
        also defined dissolution/cementation bands sensu Fossen et al.  Favignana is the largest of the Egadi Islands, and is located in
        (2007). Eventually, further deformation facilitates slip along pre-  NW Sicily along the southern edge of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Fig. 1a).
        existing stylolites and enhances the accumulation of a larger  This area represents the westernmost, and most external, sector of
        displacement along discrete shear planes (Aydin et al., 2006; Tondi  the Sicilian orogenic belt, which is mainly comprised of south-
        et al., 2006a). Mechanical twinning of calcite crystals (Ferrill and  verging, Neogene fold-thrust tectonic elements (Fig. 1a; Scandone
        Groshong, 1993) and precipitation of dissolved solids in the  et al., 1974; Giunta et al., 2000).
        nearby pores are processes also documented within deformation  The most recent faults of NW Sicily (Nigro et al., 2000; Renda
        bands in porous limestones (Tondi et al., 2006a; Tondi, 2007; Baud  et al., 2000; Gueguen et al., 2002; Giunta et al., 2009) form a grid
        et al., 2009; Vajdova et al., 2010; Rath et al., 2011).  of high-angle strike-slip structures roughly oriented either W-NW
          The transition from one deformation behavior to another (i.e.  (right-lateral) or N-NE (left-lateral). The kinematics of these two
        banding vs. faulting) is likely controlled by changes of the material  sets of strike-slip faults is compatible to the current regional stress
        properties within the bands; the resulting mechanical instability is  field, which is characterized by a NW-SE oriented, greatest hori-
        often accompanied by progressive evolution of the tectonic struc-  zontal compression direction (Giunta et al., 2004; Tondi et al.,
        tures (Aydin and Johnson, 1983; Shipton et al., 2005). In porous  2006b).
        rocks, deformation first occurs in the form of single compactive  At Favignana Island (Fig. 1b), deformed Triassic to Miocene
        shear bands, evolves continuously forming zones of multiple  platform carbonates, which pass upwards into deep-water marls
        compactive shear bands and, eventually, faults composed of  and limestones, are the basement units underlying Plio-Pleistocene
        discrete, sharp, more or less planar discontinuities and fault rocks  marine deposits (Abate et al., 1995, 1997; Incandela, 1995;
        (i.e. breccia and gouge).                            Tavarnelli et al., 2003). These marine deposits are comprised of
          The aim of this study is to investigate both dimensional  Upper Pliocene shales overlain by 20e25 m thick, Lower Pleisto-
        parameters and scaling relationships of single compactive shear  cene carbonate grainstones (Fig. 1b).
        bands, zones of compactive shear bands and strike-slip faults in
        porous carbonate grainstones. Many excellent outcrops of Favig-  2.1. Lower Pleistocene carbonate grainstones
        nana Island (Egadi Islands, western Sicily) expose a 21e23 m-thick
        Lower-Pleistocene porous carbonate grainstones crosscut by the  The yellowish carbonate grainstones of Favignana are Lower
        aforementioned tectonic structures. There, we collected detailed  Pleistocenic in age. The grainstones are characterized by beds
        data related to length, thickness and amount of slip along struc-  dipping: 5 e10 ESE, and a bed thickness ranging between 20 cm

        tures as well as to investigate their detailed geometries, kinematics  and 100 cm. The mean thickness of the whole Lower Pleistocene
        and growth processes. Previous works on fault scaling relationships  succession is nearly 21 m at Cala San Nicola and 23 m at Cala Rossa
        provide a window into the mechanics of brittle strain localization in  (Fig. 1b and Fig. 2). The maximum burial depth experienced by the
        compact and porous rocks (Cowie and Scholz, 1992; Dawers et al.,  carbonate grainstones is estimated to be between 0 and 30 m
        1993; Willemse et al., 1996; Scholz, 2002; de Joussineau and  (Abate et al., 1995, 1997).
        Aydin, 2007; Fossen et al., 2007; Schultz et al., 2008). In partic-  Based upon their grain size, sorting, sedimentary/biogenic
        ular, the previous data from porous rocks pertain primarily to  structures and amount of matrix and cement, as well as the
        displacementelength  (DeL)  and  displacement-damage zone  widespread erosional flooding surfaces, we distinguish up to seven
        thickness (DeT) scaling relations of deformation bands in sand-  different lithofacies (Fig. 2). In general, the carbonate grainstones
        stones (Fossen and Hesthammer, 1997; Shipton and Cowie, 2001;  are mainly comprised of bioclasts (i.e. Vermetus, Serpula, lamelli-
        Wibberley et al., 2000; Shipton et al., 2005; and Fossen et al.,  banches, echinoids, algae and corals) ranging in size from sub-
        2007 and the references therein). Data presented in this paper  millimeter to centimeter (Fig. 2b). The amount of matrix and
        provide a new insight into the evolution of statistical parameters of  calcite cement vary significantly among the different lithofacies.
        shear bands, which may be useful for an improved understanding  Thin-section observations are consistent with presence of
        of faults in porous carbonate rocks and characterization of  intergranular and intragranular porosity within the carbonate
        carbonate reservoirs (cf. Agosta et al., 2010).      grainstones. Generally, well-developed intergranular pores form

                   Fig. 1. (a) Geological setting of western Sicily and (b) of Favignana Island. The location of the study area is marked with a black rectangle.
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