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        56                                E. Tondi et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 37 (2012) 53e64

         Fig. 3. (a) Field photographs of bed-parallel deformation bands developed with the lithofacies IV of the carbonate grainstones, (b) enlarged area shown by rectangle in (a).
          The two sets of compactive shear bands have indicators showing  multiple points along individual single bands and zones of bands,
        strike-slip motion and mutually crosscutting relationships, indi-  and the greatest slip value is considered to correspond to the
        cating coeval development (Fig. 5). These two sets form one pair of  maximum displacement for a band or zone of bands.
        conjugate strike-slip faults oriented N-S and NW-SE, respectively.  Displacement-distance graphs were constructed across four
        The NW-striking features are characterized by a right-lateral sense  structures (Fig. 8). The four examples show that maximum
        of slip, whereas the N-S striking ones by left-lateral motions. In the  displacement values are located, more or less, at midpoint or in the
        study area, the two sets of compactive shear bands crop out as (i)  central portion of their profile. The faults in Fig. 8d are an exception
        isolated, (ii) interacting and, (iii) linking structures. As shown in  because they have a lesser amount of slip with respect to the pre-
        Fig. 6a, the interaction and linkage among different bands occurs in  dicted slip distribution. This lesser slip is related to an observed
        different manners. Secondary features include extensional or  zone of linkage, similar to the cases documented by Cartwright
        contractional jogs (1 and 2 respectively in Fig. 6), eye structures (3  et al. (1995) and Willemse et al. (1996). The displacement varies
        in Fig. 6), as already described in sandstones (Antonellini and Aydin,  along the zones of bands according to the number of single bands
        1995), and Riedel-like patterns (2 in Fig. 6; cf. Ahlgren, 2001; Katz  that are present (Fig. 9). Along the faults, by contrast, when
        et al., 2004). All of these types of interaction and coalescence can be  displacement reaches 20e30 cm, a continuous discrete slip surface
        observed along single bands (Fig. 6), as well as along zones of bands  is recognizable. Moreover, along the same structures the number of
        and faults (Fig. 7). These observations are consistent with both  bands does not increase for larger amount of displacement (Fig. 8c).
        interaction and linkage occurring at almost every stage of defor-  However, we note that a greater number of bands occur in the
        mation, from single banding, through zones of banding, to faulting.  damage zones of shear band faults with larger slip (Shipton and
                                                             Cowie, 2003).
        3.2. Dimensional parameters and scaling relationships   The scaling relationships among the three dimensional param-
                                                             eters, length, thickness and displacement, are shown in Fig. 10. The
          Here we focus on the scaling relationships of the dimensional  scatter distributions can be fitted by power-law relationships with
        parameters (i.e. length, thickness and displacement) of the two sets  the R comprised between 0.3 and 0.8. With regards to zones of
        of compactive shear bands. We consider these relationships for  bands vs. faults, the switch from one power law distribution to
        each structural morphology for each set: single bands, zone of  another occurs at about 10 cm of thickness, 10 cm of displacement
        bands, and faults (Table 1).                         and 8 m of length. However, it should be noted that the lengths
          Even if kinematic markers are not available for all single bands  distribution contains a lack of data between 5 and 8 m. The
        and zones of bands, striations present along the slip surfaces of  aforementioned values can therefore be treated as the threshold
        faults are almost horizontal, indicating predominantly strike-slip  values for the transition from banding to slip surfaces and cataclasis
        kinematics. Consequently, it is assumed that the slip along the  and, consequently, the fault development. In Fig. 10c, it is possible
        faults is equal to the maximum apparent horizontal slip, deter-  to observe two groups of data: (a) single bands and zones of bands
        mined from the displaced markers such as bedding and/or older  show a power-law scaling relation with a slope of D ¼ 0.5, and
        bands. The apparent displacement of these markers was also used  therefore, a dependence of maximum displacement on the square
        to compute the amount of horizontal displacement across single  root of the bands length (D max ¼ aL 0.5 ); and (b) faults show a power-
        bands and zones of bands. Where possible, slip was measured at  law scaling relation with a slope of D ¼ 0.7.

        Fig. 4. Field examples of (a) single band; (b) zones of bands; and (c) faults with slip surfaces and fault rocks. In outcrop, slip surfaces are easily recognizable by sharp striated
        discontinuities, commonly showing a negative relief (marked by red arrows) due to erosion along generally poorly cemented fault rocks (i.e. breccia and/or gouge).
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9