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                                            E. Tondi et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 37 (2012) 53e64     55

         Fig. 2. (a) Stratigraphic section of the carbonate grainstones cropping out at Cala San Nicola with scale in meters and circle sizes proportional to grain sizes. (b) Four field photos of
         the main lithofacies and one photomicrograph referenced by Roman numerals to lithofacies in the stratigraphic section.

         a connected network in 2D. Both shape and size of these pores  compactive shear bands and well-developed faults with slip
         change according to the grain size and sorting in the rock (Fig. 2b).  surfaces and fault rocks. In the following text, the latter elements,
         Intergranular pores can reach a few mm in diameter in the very  for the sake of simplicity, will be referred to as faults. Field data
         coarse-grained lithofacies. The overall host rock porosity measured  were then used to compute the scaling relationships among the
         by both image analysis (2D) and laboratory measurements of  different parameters for single bands, zones of bands and faults.
         representative cylindrical cores (3D, Patrick Baud’s personal  The field work was conducted at Cala San Nicola (Fig.1b), where the
         communication) ranges between 30% (lithofacies III, Fig. 2) and 50%  thickest and most homogenous Pleistocene carbonate lithofacies
         (lithofacies IV, Fig. 2). Microsparry cement is always present, in  crop out extensively (III, Fig. 2). There, several scan lines and
         small amounts, at the grain contacts and/or within intragranular  detailed structural maps at a 1:1 scale were constructed during
         porosity. In addition, syntaxial overgrowth cement is present  several field campaigns.
         around echinoid plates and spines.
         3. Field data                                         3.1. Geometry and kinematics

            The compactive shear bands and strike-slip faults in Favignana,  At Cala San Nicola (Fig. 1b), we identified three different sets of
         the subject of this study, are similar to those reported by Tondi  deformation bands. One of these sets occurs parallel to bedding
         (2007) within the marine deposits, of Lower Pleistocene age,  (Fig. 3), and is mainly in the coarser grained and more porous
         cropping out in the coastal plain of Castelluzzo (San Vito Lo Capo  carbonate beds (lithofacies IV, Fig. 2). The bed-parallel bands do not
         Peninsula, NW Sicily). At both localities, the compactive shear  show any amount of visible shearing, and are reminiscent of the
         bands occur in coeval marine deposits overlying the Mesozoic-  compaction bands documented in the Majella Mountain area,
         Cenozoic basement, and show similar geometries and kinematics.  central Italy (Tondi et al., 2006a; Antonellini et al., 2008; Agosta
         For this reason, we rely on the observation and discussion provided  et al., 2009). Given the lack of evidence for deformation related to
         by Tondi (2007) about the microstructural and textural character-  shear, these structures were not examined as part of the present
         istics of the bands, as well as on the micromechanical processes  study. The two sets of high-angle to bedding deformation bands
         involving pore collapse and pressure solution responsible for their  consist of compactive shear bands, which are either single bands or
         formation. At Favignana, thanks to the magnificent and widespread  zones of bands (Fig. 4a and b). Faults including compactive shear
         exposures, the field work focused on: (i) geometry, (ii) kinematics,  bands with continuous slip surfaces, and the associated cataclastic
         (iii) dimensional parameters (i.e. length, thickness and amount of  fault rock, mark an advanced stage of deformation within this
         displacement) of the two sets of compactive shear bands, zones of  carbonate grainstone (Fig. 4c).
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