Page 8 - Tondi_Ciilona_alii_2012
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        60                                E. Tondi et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 37 (2012) 53e64
        Table 1 (continued )
         #      Structure type  Maximum displacement (cm)  Maximum thickness (cm)  Length (cm)  Kinematic  Note
         79     Zone of bands   9                      12                               Left lateral
         80     Zone of bands   6                      8                                Left lateral
         81     Zone of bands   7                      6                                Right lateral
         82     Zone of bands   4                      5                                Right lateral
         83     Zone of bands   3                      2                                Left lateral
         84     Zone of bands   4                      7                                Left lateral
         85     Zone of bands   3.8                    5                                Right lateral
         86     Zone of bands   5.2                    3.5                              Right lateral
         87     Zone of bands   8.5                    5.5                              Right lateral
         88     Zone of bands   3                      8                                Left lateral
         89     Fault          17                      7                   1900         Left-lateral  Linked
         90     Fault          31                      12.8                1000         Right-lateral
         91     Fault          32                      8                   2880         Right-lateral  Linked
         92     Fault          40                      14                  1450         Left-lateral
         93     Fault          54.5                   100                  9200         Left-lateral  Linked_jog zone
         94     Fault          68                      21                  5193         Right-lateral  Linked
         95     Fault          76                      26                  6090         Left-lateral  Linked
         96     Fault          97                      49                  5193         Right-lateral  Linked_jog zone
         54     Fault          10                      11                   790         Right-lateral
         55     Fault          17                      7                    900         Left-lateral
         56     Fault          19                      11                  1030         Right-lateral
         57     Fault          20                      4                    930         Right-lateral
         58     Fault          32                      5                   1480         Right-lateral
         97     Fault         140                      30                               Left lateral
         98     Fault          34                      11                               Right lateral
         99     Fault          15                      7                                Right lateral
         100    Fault          21                      20                               Right lateral
         101    Fault          30                      18                               Right lateral
         102    Fault         170                      59                               Right lateral
         103    Fault          24                      21                               Left lateral
         104    Fault          18                      26                               right lateral
         105    Fault           4.5                    19                               Right lateral
         106    Fault          14                      10                               Left lateral
         107    Fault          38                      16                               Left lateral
         108    Fault          16                      16                               Left lateral
         109    Fault          23                      12                               Right lateral
         110    Fault          47                      40                               Right lateral
         111    Fault          21                      22                               Right lateral
         112    Fault          50                      26                               Left lateral
         113    Fault          40                      22                               Left lateral
         114    Fault          45                      40                               Right lateral
         115    Fault          34                      23                               Right lateral
         116    Fault          20                      12                               Right lateral
         117    Fault          20                      6                                Right lateral
         118    Fault          16                      14                               Right lateral
         119    Fault          31                      22                               Left lateral
         120    Fault          24                      20                               Left lateral
         121    Fault          22                      17                               Left lateral
         122    Fault          22                      12                               Left lateral
         123    fault          30                      26                               Right lateral
         124    Fault          14                      16                              Right lateral
         125    Fault          24                      23                              Right lateral
         126    Fault          60                      27                              Right lateral
         127    Fault          25                      16                              Right lateral
         128    Fault          24                      18                              Right lateral
         129    Fault          15                      10                              Right lateral
         130    Fault          29                      31                              Right lateral
         131    Fault          14                      10                              Right lateral
         132    Fault          13                      15                              Left lateral
         133    Fault          13                      22                              Left lateral

        prone to involve larger displacements for a given thickness than the  smaller D values for the faults D/L distribution is interpreted to result
        zones of bands.                                      from the presence of linked faults in the fault population (see Fig. 8),
          Displacement-length data define two distinct groups (see  which are characterized by a greater length-displacement ratio in
        Fig. 10c). The first one, which consists of single bands and zones of  agreement with Cartwright et al. (1995) and Nicol et al. (2010).
        bands, shows a power-law scaling relation with a slope of D ¼ 0.5  Moreover, we believe that both single compactive shear bands and
        and, hence, a dependence of maximum displacement on the square  zones of compactive shear bands are characterized by a significant
        root of discontinuity length (D max ¼ aL 0.5 ), similar to that docu-  component of initial compaction, which sharply decreases when the
        mented by Fossen and Hesthammer (1997). Whereas, the second  threshold values for transition from shear banding to cataclastic
        group, consisting of well-developed faults, shows a power-law  faulting is reached (Tondi et al., 2006a, Tondi, 2007).
        scaling relation with an exponent D ¼ 0.7 smaller than the ex-  As far as the size-frequency datasets of Fig. 11 are concerned,
        pected value of D ¼ 1(Fossen et al., 2007; Schultz et al., 2008). The  several sampling biases were taken into account while interpreting
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