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        62                                E. Tondi et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 37 (2012) 53e64

                                                             Fig. 12. (a) Conceptual model for conjugate strike-slip compactive shear bands
                                                             developed in the Lower Pleistocene porous carbonate grainstones of Favignana Island
                                                             (NW Sicily). In the Stage III, slip surfaces are marked in red. The transition from one
                                                             deformation mechanism to another (i.e. banding vs. faulting) is recorded by the
                                                             changes in maximum thickness (T), displacement (D) and length (L) of the different
                                                             structure types. (b) Example of an intersecting zone between the conjugate sets of
                                                             compactive shear bands. Please note the increased thickness of the band zones at this
                                                             location. The compass is 20 cm long.
                                                             close to the switching values between one data sets to another (i.e.
                                                             zones of bands and faults), data belonging to one single data set can
                                                             be underestimated. This is evident in Fig. 11a and b, where around
                                                             values of 10 cm of both thickness and displacement, the distribu-
                                                             tions got zones of bands and faults overlap. Moreover, the calculated
                                                             power law relationships cover less than one order of magnitude of
                                                             the size range (Fig. 11). Still this approach of defining several power
                                                             law segments over short ranges to fit complex statistical distribu-
                                                             tions is not uncommon in the literature (Berkowitz and Hadad,
                                                             1997; Wojtal, 1996; Fossen and Rørnes, 1996).
                                                                Even allowing for the aforementioned limitations in the statis-
                                                             tical analysis, we believe that the results highlight the transition
                                                             from one deformation behavior to another (i.e. banding vs. fault-
                                                             ing). In fact, clear breaks are visible in Fig. 11a and b between the
        Fig. 11. Cumulative frequency distributions of thickness (a), displacement (b), and  two populations of structures comprising: (i) single bands and
        length (c) computed for single bands (in blue), zones of bands (in red) and faults (in
        green). The resolution limits are 0.5 mm for both thickness and displacement and  zones of bands, and (ii) faults. These variations, moreover, are
        1 mm for the length.                                 similar to those showing evolution of the distribution of dimen-
                                                             sional parameters of joint systems as a function of their progressive
                                                             development (Rives et al., 1992; Wu and Pollard, 1995). Finally, the
        the statistical distributions. First, small-scale data are usually  cumulative distributions computed for the faults are quite similar
        underestimated due to the limits of resolution of the methods used
                                                             to the data previously published in the literature (Marrett and
        for the data acquisitions. This effect is called truncation (Einstein  Allmendinger, 1992; Walsh and Watterson, 1992; Villemin et al.,
        and Baecher, 1983; Barton and Zoback, 1992; Pickering et al.,
                                                             1995; Tondi and Cello, 2003).
        1995). Second, the abundance of large-scale data can be signifi-
        cantly underestimated. This effect is called censoring (Einstein and
        Baecher,1983; Yielding et al.,1992) and may have several causes. Of  5. Conclusions
        particular concern, censoring is related to the size of the survey. For
        example, fault lengths larger than this particular size are not  In this paper we investigated the growth modes, dimensional
        sampled and can be underestimated.                   properties and scaling relationships of one pair of high-angle to
          In the case of measurements in the present study, the observable  bedding conjugate sets of compactive shear bands, characterized by
        censoring of the data for faults, which is particularly evident as  strike-slip kinematics, crosscutting Lower Pleistocene carbonate
        regards the lengths, is due to the size of the outcrop. In fact, this  grainstones of Favignana Island, NW Sicily. Similar to the results
        occurs because our sample site of a small promontory located along  from previous studies, we found that the compactive shear bands
        the coastal line has many of the largest faults with one of the two  nucleate as single bands, may evolve into zones of compactive
        tips located offshore. Moreover, data truncation is particularly  shear bands, and, eventually, into faults with discrete slip surfaces
        evident on the displacement and thickness distributions of faults  and cataclastic fault rocks. We documented that the transition from
        and on the lengths of single bands, and can be related to the range of  one deformation behavior to another (i.e. banding vs. faulting) is
        values for which measurements are achieved. In fact, if values are  recorded by different values of the dimensional parameters (i.e.
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