Page 4 - Visini_de Nardis_Lavecchia_2010
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S246 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2010) 99 (Suppl 1):S243–S264
Fig. 2 Seismotectonic
zonations proposed for central
Italy (left column) and for Sicily
(right column) over the course
of the last 25 years, with their
prevailing faulting kinematics
predicted on the basis of
integrated seismological and
geological analysis. ZS
Zonazione Sismotettonic; a1, b1
zonation known as ZS4, defined
in the frame of the 1996–1999
GNDT (Gruppo Nazionale
Difesa Terremoti) research
project; a2, b2 zonation known
as ZS9, defined in the frame of
INGV-Protezione Civile
Redazione della Mappa di
Pericolosita ` Sisimica (2003–
2004); a3 geologically
controlled seismotectonic
provinces defined for seismic
hazard purposes;
b3 homogeneous
seismotectonic domains based
on the detailed analysis of
microseismic fault plane
solutions; a4, b5 extensional
and compressional provinces
with contour depth lines of the
seismogenic basal thrust;
b4 large-scale seismic source
zones with homogeneous
seismotectonic regime and
comparable seismic potential