Page 5 - Visini_de Nardis_Lavecchia_2010
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Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2010) 99 (Suppl 1):S243–S264                                   S247

             By integrating constraints on tectonic style from seismic  compression. According to others (Neri et al. 2005;
           lines and geologic data with the traditional constraints from  Lavecchia et al. 2007a, b), a nearly E–W striking exten-
           historical and instrumental seismicity catalogues, Lavec-  sional seismogenic domain is interposed between the two.
           chia et al. (2007a, b) have interpreted both the mainland-  This last point of view is supported by the presence in the
           southern Sicily and the Marche–Adriatic seismotectonic  Peloritani and Nebrodi–Madonie areas of northern Sicily of
           provinces as corresponding to active deformation volumes  a neat belt of extensional focal mechanisms, which are in
           at the hanging-wall of inward-dipping regional-scale basal  continuity with the Apennine and Calabria extensional
           thrusts named, respectively Sicilian Basal Thrust (SBT)  seismic belt (Pondrelli et al. 2006).
           and Adriatic Basal Thrust (ABT) (Fig. 2 a4, b5). Both the  In the current paper, we will adopt this last point of view
           SBT and the ABT could penetrate the entire crust to a  and will compute the corresponding pattern and rate of
           depth of at least 25 km with an average dip of nearly 25–  deformation, separately.
           30°. In both regions, the thickness of the seismogenic layer
           deduced from seismic data coherently deepens inward from
           shallow depths to mid and lower crustal depths well sup-
           porting such a configuration. Therefore, in a 3D view the
           Adriatic and Sicilian provinces may be schematically
                                                              In order to estimate the velocity tensor representative of
           represented as crust-scale wedge-shaped seismogenic
                                                              the active deformation within the Marche–Adriatic,
           volumes. In map view, the two provinces correspond to
                                                              mainland-southern Sicily and Southern Tyrrhenian seis-
           arc-shaped, outward convex polygons, whose boundaries
                                                              motectonic provinces, we have used the procedure pro-
           coincide with the map-view thrust front trajectory and with
                                                              posed by Papazachos and Kiratzi (1992), integrating
           the surface projection of the basal thrust 25 km depth
                                                              analyses of seismological data and geological information
           contour line.
                                                              referring to the geometry of the deformed volume. This
             More complicated and highly questionable are the
                                                              procedure requires not only knowledge of complete his-
           geometry and nature of the seismogenic structures
                                                              torical and instrumental records over a certain magnitude
           responsible for the E–W seismic belt of the Southern
                                                              threshold and of the associated Gutenberg–Richter (G–R)
           Tyrrhenian, where a relevant component of the Europa–
                                                              parameters, but also knowledge of the shape and size of
           Nubia NW–SE convergence is considered to be accom-
                                                              the seismogenic volume, as well as that of the kinematics
           modated (D’Agostino and Selvaggi 2004; Goes et al. 2004;
                                                              of the active deformation deduced from reliable fault
           Pondrelli et al. 2004; Serpelloni et al. 2005). Such a
                                                              plane solutions.
           compressional strip began its activity in Late Pleistocene
                                                                The procedure is articulated in the following steps:
           times (Goes et al. 2004), inverting the pre-existing exten-
           sional structures of the thin-crust Tyrrhenian domain. Some  a.  computation of the scalar seismic moment rate M o
           authors (Jenny et al. 2006) associate the seismic activity  from historical and instrumental earthquakes,

           with a north-verging back thrust developed at the hanging-  b.  computation of the moment tensor F ij from focal
           wall of the subduction plane which dips northward beneath  mechanism data,
           Sicily and the Tyrrhenian Sea and emerges along the south  c.  computation of the average seismic strain rate tensor

           Sicily thrust front. Other authors (Chiarabba et al. 2005;  _ e ij ;
           Serpelloni et al. 2005) hypothesise a south-verging thrust  d.  computation of the components of the velocity tensor
           which would represent the active front of the compres-  (U ij ),
           sional deformation between the Nubia and European plates  e.  evaluation of the errors which may be involved in the
           now shifted nearly 150 km northward with respect to the  above computations.

           former, now abandoned, southern Sicily front of the                                  _
                                                                The scalar seismic moment rate  M o  within each
           Apennine–Maghrebian compressional belt. Others (Billi
                                                              seismogenic volume in the years of the completeness
           et al. 2007) assume a general southward vergence of the
                                                              interval may be calculated by means of Molnar’s (1979)
           belt and associate it with an incipient flip of the subduction
           plane, hypothesising a south-dipping subduction of the
           oceanic Tyrrhenian crust beneath Sicily.           M o ¼     M omax 1 B                         ð1Þ
             An open fundamental question in the seismotectonic    1   B
           interpretation of Sicily involves the spatial and geometric  where A = 10 [a?(bd/c)] , B ¼ ; a and b are values of the
           relations between the Southern Tyrrhenian and the main-  Gutenberg–Richter relation, M o max is the scalar moment of
           land-southern Sicily compressional provinces. According  the largest observed earthquake in the region, M o ¼
           to some authors (Kiratzi 1994; Jenny et al. 2006), the two  10 c M s þd ; c and d are constants of the moment–magnitude
           are in physical continuity and undergo a common coaxial  relation (Kanamori and Anderson 1975). The advantage of
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