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S248                                                   Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2010) 99 (Suppl 1):S243–S264

           this formula is that the full record of seismicity in any
                                                              where z is the standard Gaussian random vector, with
           given region can be used, the a and b values of the
                                                              deviates produced with the polar Box–Mueller transform,
           Gutenberg–Richter relation being the most important
                                                              C is the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix
           parameters in this calculation.
                                                              of the parameter vector V (symmetric and positive definite

             The focal mechanism moment tensor F ij ; which is a
                                                              matrix), with a unique lower triangular matrix such that
           function of strike, dip and rake of the fault plane solutions,  T
                                                              V = C 9 C .
           may be derived from the calculation of an average focal
           mechanism starting from the available focal mechanism
           dataset.                                           Input data

             The average seismic strain rate tensor _ e ij ; which is the
           symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor may be  The application of the above procedure to any homoge-
           calculated by means of Kostrov’s (1974) relation:  neous seismotectonic province requires knowledge of the
                 1                                            shape and size of the seismogenic volume, possibly
           _ e ij ¼  M o F ij                           ð2Þ
                2lV                                           deduced from integrated geological–seismological con-
                                                              straints, the moment tensor deduced from reliable fault
           where V is the volume of the seismogenic deforming region
                                                              plane solutions, the values of the Gutenberg–Richter
           and l is the rigidity modulus. In the general case, the
                                                              parameters and of the scalar seismic moment rate deduced
           seismogenic volume V may be derived from the length
                                                              from the most possible complete record of historical and
           (l 1 ),width (l 2 ) and the average thickness of the seismogenic
                                                              instrumental earthquakes over a certain magnitude
           layer (l 3 ).
             The components of the velocity tensor U ij may be
           calculated with the formula developed by Jackson and
           McKenzie (1988):                                   Dimension and geometry of the seismogenic sources
           U ii ¼  M o F ii with i ¼ 1; 2, 3, and k 6¼ i;i 6¼ j; j 6¼ k  ð3Þ  In order to parameterise the dimensions (length l 1 , average
                2ll k l i
                                                              width l 2 , average thickness l 3 ) and the azimuth with the
           U i2 ¼    M o F 12                           ð4Þ   north of each deforming seismogenic volume, we have
                2ll 1 l 3
                                                              assumed and schematised the 3D geometry given by
                  1                                           Lavecchia et al. (2007a, b) for the Marche–Adriatic and the
           U i3 ¼    M o F i3  with i ¼ 1; 2            ð5Þ
                2ll 1 l 2                                     mainland-southern  Sicily  seismotectonic  provinces
                                                              (Fig. 2a, b, b5), whereas for the Southern Tyrrhenian
             These equations are valid on the condition that l 3 is
                                                              province we have used the surface boundary and the
           much smaller than l 1 and l 2 , and l 1 is much greater than l 2 .
                                                              average seismogenic thickness given by DISS3.0.4 (avail-
           The reference system in Eqs. 2–5 is the province’s local

           system (length/width/depth). Since F ij is usually calculated  able online from
                                                                By integrating constraints on tectonic style from seismic
           in the north/east/down system, a rotation in the local
                                                              lines and geologic data with the traditional constraints from
           province’s system is necessary.
                                                              historical and instrumental seismicity catalogues, Lavec-
             The possible errors involved in the calculation of the
           above equations are clearly controlled by errors in M o ,  chia et al. (2007a, b) have interpreted the mainland-
                                                              southern Sicily and the Marche–Adriatic seismotectonic
           while the directions of the eigenvectors of the defor-
                                                              provinces as corresponding to active deformation volumes
           mation are mainly influenced by errors in the focal
                                                              at the hanging-wall of an inward-dipping regional-scale
           mechanism tensor (e.g. in F) (Papazachos and Kiratzi
                                                              basal thrust, named SBT and ABT, respectively (Fig. 2a4,
             As evident from Eq. 1, errors in M o may derive from  b5), which penetrate the crust to a depth of at least 25 km
                                                              with an average dip of nearly 20–25°. In both regions, the
           errors in the a, b, c, d values and in the choice of the M max
                                                              thickness of the seismogenic layer deduced from seismic
           and in the adopted M s –M o relationship. Use of the Monte
                                                              data coherently and slowly deepens from shallow depths to
           Carlo simulation method and assumption of random errors
                                                              mid and lower crustal depths, well supporting such a
           in these parameters, with known medians and standard
                                                              configuration (Parolai et al. 2001; Lavecchia et al. 2007b).
           deviations, means that Gaussian deviates can be intro-
                                                              Therefore, in a 3D view, the Marche–Adriatic and the
           duced. If m is the vector of mean values of the parameters,
                                                              mainland-Sicily provinces, also named ABT and SBT
           the new parameter vector P = (a, b, c, d, M smax ) can be
                                                              provinces, may both be schematically represented as crust-
           iteratively obtained by using:
                                                              scale wedge-shaped seismogenic volumes (Fig. 5). In map
           P ¼ Cz þ m                                   ð6Þ   view, the two provinces correspond to arc-shaped, outward
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