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L. de Santoli et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 8 (2014) 42–56  55

estimated. Finally, in order to estimate the annual PV electricity      person of the Director General, Aldo Cosentino, is gratefully
production, the solar radiation output was used in PVsyst software.
The obtained results are reported in Figs. 18 and 19, which respec-     acknowledged for providing the funding for this work. The authors
tively show the direct normal irradiation of Favignana island and
the net electricity produced by the above mentioned PV system.          are also deeply grateful for the support from COMET Srl and ROPA-

    These data show that considering the whole year, the net elec-      TEC Srl.
tricity produced by solar technology is about to 3400 kWh. There-
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