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50 L. de Santoli et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 8 (2014) 42–56

                                Fig. 13. Hybrid system configuration.  et al. [47], evaluating different types of small wind turbine,
                                                                      affirmed that vertical axis wind turbines produce lower noise
Noise assessment                                                      emissions than horizontal axis ones. In particular, H-rotor, used
                                                                      in the proposed prototype, is the turbine that generates the lowest
    One of the most relevant environmental concerns on wind           noise emissions (see Table 8).
energy regards noise emissions [41]. For an exhaustive review on
wind turbine noise see Doolan [42]. The noise level is correlated         Clohessy [48], carrying out noise measurement on a vertical
to typologies and sizes of rotor and blade. Obviously, the micro      micro turbine with rated electric power 1 kW, obtained similar
wind turbines noise impacts are considerably less than the one        results. The results show a noise level measurement lower than
produced by a wind farms. In particular, there are not many           54 dB performed on a distance of 10 meter far to the turbine. The
researches in literature regarding the assessment of micro turbines   corresponding wind speed for the assessment was equal to 8 m/s.
noise. The main noise emission assessments were carried out for       This noise value is included in the range 50 dB(A) and 60 dB(A),
installations in urban areas or sites close to living and working     representing the noise produced by a standard air condition
areas [43–45].                                                        machine (Split) and a washing machine respectively.

    Zhu [46] identified two potential types of noise produced by           Taylor et al. [45] analyze the noise distribution of a micro tur-
wind turbines: aerodynamic and mechanical noise. The former is        bine with a rated electric power 5 kW. The results show that noise
caused by the blade passing through air, whereas the latter is a      levels decrease considerable with the distance from the turbine in
consequence of the metal components movements. Eriksson               the whole frequency spectrum. In particular, these results show a
                                                                      maximum equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level
                                                                      (LAeq) of 45 dB(A) in correspondence with 7 m/s wind speed at a
                                                                      distance of 15 m from the turbine (Table 9).

                                                                          In Italy, the limit values of sound sources are disciplined by the
                                                                      DPCM 14 November 1997 [49]. In Table 10, the limit values estab-
                                                                      lished for the class ‘protected areas’ expressed by equivalent con-
                                                                      tinuous A-weighted sound pressure level (Eq. (2)) were reported.

                                                                                       "1  ZT   psðtÞ2      #
                                                                                        T        ps2o
                                                                      LAeq  ¼  10 log        0          dt     ½dBðAފ  ð2Þ


                                                                        ps is the acquired sound pressure [Pa];

                                                                        ps0 is the reference sound pressure [20 lPa];

                                                                        t is the time [s];
                                                                        T is the exposure period considered, coinciding with the

                                                                          daytime or nighttime period [s].

Fig. 14. AM300 prototype foundation.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14