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Biodiversity Journal, 2012, 3 (3): 201-228

New and little known land snails from Sicily (Mollusca

Fabio Liberto1, Salvatore Giglio2, Maria Stella Colomba3* & Ignazio Sparacio4

1Strada Provinciale Cefalù-Gibilmanna n. 93, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; email:
2Contrada Settefrati, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; email:
3Università di Urbino, Dept. of Biomolecular Sciences, via Maggetti n. 22, 61029 Urbino, Italy; email:
4Via E. Notarbartolo n.54 int. 13, 90145 Palermo, Italy; e-mail:
*Corresponding author

ABSTRACT   In the present paper are reported new and little known land snails from Sicily (Mollusca
           Gastropoda). Particularly, Platyla similis (Reinhardt, 1880) (Aciculidae) and Rumina sa-
           harica Pallary, 1901 (Subulinidae) are first recorded in the island; new taxonomic data,
           useful for a better systematic classification, are provided on two little-known taxa, Lam-
           pedusa lopadusae nodulosa Monterosato, 1892 (Clausiliidae) and Cernuella (Cernuella)
           tineana (Benoit, 1862) (Hygromiidae); and finally, a new species of slug, Tandonia mari-
           nellii n. sp. (Milacidae), currently known from North-Western Sicily, is described.

KEY WORDS  Mollusca; land snails; Sicily; taxonomy; new species.

Received 10.07.2012; accepted 26.08.2012; printed 30.09.2012

INTRODUCTION                                            DSO = dart sac opening; E = epiphallus; F = flagel-
                                                        lum; FO = free ovidutto; FR = frenula; G = penial pa-
    During 19th century several taxa of terrestrial     pilla; GA = genital atrium; ISO = inner stylophore
molluscs of Sicily were established, many of            opening; L = lunella; OSO = outer stylophore opening;
which are still little known and of uncertain taxo-     P = penis; PCP = proximal caviti of the penis;
nomic status, nevertheless some genera or families      PD = penial diverticulum; PE = proximal epiphallus;
of molluscs, including slugs, have been neglected       PL = parietal lamella; PLL = parallel lamella;
for a long time. The study of terrestrial molluscs      PP = principal plica; PPP = posterior portion of (upper)
of Sicily undertaken by present authors in the last     palatal plica; PR = penial retractor muscle; SCL = sub-
decade, despite the complexity of the subject, con-     columellar lamella; SL = spiral lamella; SP = sutural
tinues with this further contribution in which some     plica/plicae; V= vagina; VAG = vaginal accessory
new faunal reports are provided, little known taxa      gland; VC = vaginal chambre; VD = vas deferens;
are examined and, in addition, a new species of         VP = vaginal pleats.
slug is described.
                                                            The materials used for this study are deposited
    ACRONYMS. APP = anterior portion of palatal         in the following Museums and private collections:
plica; BC = bursa copulatrix; BCD = diverticulum of     M. Bodon collection, Italy, Genova (CB); D.P. Cilia
bursa copulatrix; CL = columellar lamella; DE = distal  collection, Santa Venera, Malta (CC); S. Giglio col-
epiphallus; DG = digitiform glands; DSC = dart sac      lection, Cefalù, Italy (CG); Laboratory of Cytoge-
complex; DBC = duct of the bursa copulatrix;            netics and Molecular Biology, University of Urbino,
DCP = distal caviti of the penis; DGS = dart gun;       Italy (LCMBU); F. Liberto collection, Cefalù, Italy
DG = digitiform glands; DSC = dart sac complex;         (CL); Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Comiso,
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