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202  F. LIberto, S. GIGLIo, M.S. CoLoMba & I. SparaCIo

Italy (MCSNC); Museo Civico di Storia Naturale  /PCN/), Map IGM 1:25000. Each lo-
di Genova “G. Doria”, Italy (MSNG); G. Nardi col-        cality and/or collection site is named in the original
lection, Nuvolera, Italy (CN), A. Reitano collection,    language (italian). The material used for the mole-
Tremestieri Etneo, Italy (CR); I. Sparacio collection,   cular analysis was collected on the field during Fe-
Palermo, Italy (CS); The Steinhardt National Col-        bruary 2012. All the specimens were studied and
lections of Natural History, Zoological department,      observed at the steromicroscope (Leica MZ 7.5).
Tel-Aviv University, Israel (TAU).
                                                             Genetic study described in the present study was
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                    based on a comparative analysis of COI partial se-
                                                         quences which are frequently used as markers in the
    All specimens were collected by sight on the         investigation of evolutionary processes at the specific
soil and under the rocks or by sieving litter and soil.  level. Briefly, the study was conducted by DNA iso-
                                                         lation, PCR amplification, sequencing, alignment of
    Observations on ecology of these organisms and       the sequences and phylogenetic reconstructions
their feeding behavior were made directly in the         using the Maximum Likelihood algorithm. For a de-
field. Dry shells have been studied as regards size,     tailed description see below.
colour, morphology, sculpture, aperture, plicae and
lamellae, lunella and clausilium. Photographs were       RESULTS
taken with a digital camera. In order to study and
illustrate genital organs, the specimens were drow-      Class Gastropoda Cuvier, 1795
ned in water and fixed in 75% ethanol.                   Ordo Architaenioglossa Haller 1890
                                                         Family Aciculidae J.E.Gray, 1850
    Reproductive apparatus was extracted by means
of scalpel, scissors and needles. Illustrations of ge-   Platyla similis (Reinhardt, 1880)
nitalia were sketched using a camera lucida. Height
and maximum diameter of the shell along with                 ExAMINED MATERIAL. Italy, Sicily, Cefalù, Rocca
some parts of genitalia were measured (in millime-       di San Nicola, 37°59’07”N 14°02’42”E, 600 m,
ters) by a digital gauge. Voucher specimens were         01.VI.2008, 6 specimens (CG); Cefalù, Cozzo Carca-
stored in collections indicated below. Toponyms          rello, 37°59’29” N, 14°03’05”E; 320 m, 15.VI.2008,
(place-names) are reported following the Portale         8 specimens (CL); idem, 23.VIII.2009, 22 specimens
Cartografico Nazionale (PCN, http://www.pcn.mi-          (CL); idem, 23.IV.2012, 12 specimens (CL).

Figures 1,2. Shell of Platyla similis from Cefalù, Cozzo Calcarello, h: 2.32 - D: 0.89. Figure 3. Geographic distribution
                       of Platyla similis (circles) and P. subdiaphana (squares) in Sicily (personal data).
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