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New and little known land snails from Sicily (Mollusca Gastropoda) 203
DESCRIPTION. Morphologically, this sicilian po- 38°03’18”N 12°44’35”E, 665 m, 08.I.2012 (MSNG
pulation of P. similis has typical characters of the 56989). Paratypi: Italy, Sicily, Custonaci, Monte Co-
species: shell conical (Figs. 1-2), slender, colorless, fano, 38°06’11’’N 12°40’39’’E, 255 m, 14.IV.1991,
height 2.16-2.58 mm, width 0.80-0.98 mm, with 4- 2 specimens (CS); San Vito lo Capo, Macari, Pizzo
5 whorls slightly convex, last portion of last whorl Castelluzzo, 38°07’28”N 12°44’41”E, 364 m,
slightly ascending in relation to the penultimate, II.2007, 3 specimens (CR); Erice, 38°02’24”N
aperture slightly oblique, sinulus little depth, exter- 12°35’34”E, 500 m, 03.x.2011, 1 specimen (CN);
nal peristomal rib consists of a weak thickening, not Calatafimi, Cozzo Gessi, 37°54’44”N 12°50’41”E,
clearly defined anteriorly and posteriorly. 264 m, 20.xI.2011, 3 specimens (CL); idem, 2 spe-
cimens (CG); Calatafimi, Monte Bernarco,
BIOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION. P. similis lives in 37°54’56”N 12°49’45”E, 370 m, 20.xI.2011, 6 spe-
woodland litter, on the soil, in the cracks and at the cimens (CL); Castellammare del Golfo, Fraginesi,
base of the calcareous rocks. P. similis has South- 38°01’06”N 12°50’08”E, 180 m, 4.xII.2011, 1 spe-
Oriental European distribution including Bulgaria, cimen (CS); Custonaci, Monte Sparagio, Pizzo Gia-
Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Kosovo, and colamaro, 38°03’18”N 12°44’35”E, 665 m, 8.I.2012,
Central and Southern Italy (Boeters et al., 1989; 1 specimen (CL); idem, 1 specimen (TAU 76575);
Bodon et al., 1995; Bodon & Cianfanelli, 2008; idem, 1 specimen (MCSNC 4411); Custonaci,
Bank, 2012). Monte Sparagio, Pizzo Giacolamaro, 38°03’17”N
12°44’57”E, 716 m, 4.II.2012, 8 specimens (CL);
REMARKS. We report the presence of P. similis Trapani, contrada Chinèa, near the Lago Rubino,
for the first time in Sicily, from Nothern Madonie 37°53’49”N 12°44’05”E, 260 m, 18.II.2012, 2 spe-
mountains, on the calcareous rocks named “Rocca cimens (CS); Custonaci, Muciara, 38°03’27’’N
di San Nicola” and “Cozzo Calcarello”. Shells were 12°43’64’’E, 542 m, 4.III.2012, 11 specimens (CS);
collected by sieving litter and soil, sampled in idem, 2 specimens (MSNG 56990; MSNG 56991).
cracks of the calcareous rock, at the base of rocky
walls or under boulders in the woods of oaks. DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPUS. Slug medium-
sized, length 55 mm after preservation (the speci-
In Sicily it was known until now only the en- men is contracted). Clypeus about 1/3 of body
demic species: P. subdiaphana (Bivona, 1839) length, superficially granulated, with horseshoe-
(Boeters et al., 1989; Bodon et al., 1995; Bodon shaped groove, and a hollow near keel; evident ca-
& Cianfanelli, 2008; Bank 2012) (Fig. 3). Boeters rina running from clypeus to posterior apex of
et al. (1989) distinguish all species of Platyla Mo- body. Body and mantle brownish-yellow with blac-
quin-Tandon, 1856 into three groups on the basis kish pigment forming irregular reticulation and
of the presence or absence and conformation of dots which disappear toward the sole, keel orange.
the external peristomal rib (see also Bodon & Foot sole tripartite, creamy-coloured, mucus thick,
Cianfanelli, 2008). viscous, white-yellowish. Shell (limacella) nail-
like, oval, well calcified, white, with apex posterior
P. similis is inserted into the second group cha- and situated on major axis, at the highest point,
racterized by an external peristomal rib not robust convex above, slightly concave ventrally (Figs. 18-
and not clearly delimited posteriorly. P. subdia- 20); length: 7.5 mm; diameter: 4.9 mm.
phana belongs to the third group characterized by
a robust external peristomal rib bounded by a Genitalia (Figs. 4-7, 11). Vas deferens thin, en-
sharp line or by a large groove. P. subdiaphana, ding laterally at proximal epiphallus tip. Epiphallus
also, is distinguished from P. similis for bigger very long (20 mm), divided by a slight constriction
size (height 3.5-4.45 mm). in a narrow cylindrical proximal portion with thin
walls (proximal epiphallus) and in an ample conic
Ordo Stylommatophora A. Schmidt, 1855 distal portion with thick walls (distal epiphallus).
Family Milacidae Germain, 1930 Internally, the proximal epiphallus is crossed by
around 15 anular crests more evident in the central
Tandonia marinellii n. sp. zone, and 5-6 longitudinal folds in the slight broa-
dening apical knob, while the distal epiphallus has
ExAMINED MATERIAL. Holotypus: Italy, Sicily, a very narrow duct; penial retractor muscle ending
Custonaci, Monte Sparagio, Pizzo Giacolamaro,