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The lichens in a relic wood of Juniperus turbinata Guss. with a new record for Sicily  797

recorded previously near to N-W coast and in the         Physcia leptalea (Ach.) DC.
province of Ragusa (Grillo, 2004). Here it is repor-
ted for the first time from this locality.                   On twigs. It is a species common especially in
                                                         the Mediterranean region. In Italy it is widespread
Familia TELOSCHISTACEAE                                  in open woods, in communities of the Xanthorion
                                                         (Nimis 1993). In south Italy it is common mostly
Caloplaca cerina (Hedw.) Th.Fr. v. cerina                on twigs and branches (Nimis & Martellos, 2008).

    On twigs. Caloplaca cerina, sensu strictu, is an     Physconia venusta (Ach.) Poelt
epiphytic lichen generally occuring in Xanthorion
vegetation (Nimis & De Faveri 1981); in southern             On twigs. This species is confined to the Medi-
Italy is most frequent at lower altitudes. Distribu-     terranean region, in Italy is rather rare in the Alps,
tion is holoartic (Nimis, 1993).                         but it is abundant in central and south Italy (Nimis,

Familia CATILLARIACEAE                                   Rinodina sophodes (Ach.) A. Massal.

Catillaria nigroclavata (Nyl.) Schuler                       On twigs. Lichen with a wide ecological range,
                                                         pioneer on young twigs. It’s present in all Italy, but
    On twigs. A common species from Europe to            isn’t common (Nimis, 1993; Nimis & Martellos,
North America, with a large ecological amplitude;        2008).
it’s frequent on eutrophic bark. In Italy is wide-
spread at low altitudes (Nimis, 1993).                   Familia LECANORACEAE

Catillaria praedicta Tretiach et Hafellner               Lecanora chlarotera Nyl.

    On twigs and on bark. Catillaria praedicta (Fig.         On twigs and on bark. A most common epi-
3) is closely related to C. mediterranea, but is dis-    phytic Lecanora in Italy, widespread in almost all
tinguished by three morpho-anatomical characters:        the country. It is common on isolated deciduous
number of spores per ascus, spore size, and size of      trees, mostly in Xanthorion communities (Nimis &
the apothecia. It occurs in natural or semi-natural      Bolognini, 1981 1993).
vegetation, along the coasts and on some small
islands (Marettimo - Egadi Islands, Mallorca) of the     Lecidella elaeochroma (Ach.) M.Choisy
western Mediterranean basin (Tretiach & Hafellner,
1998); in Sicily it has been recorded from Grillo et         On twigs and on bark. It is a very common epi-
al. (2002).                                              phytic lichen in Italy, with a wide ecological amp-
                                                         litude, in conditions from very weak to a rather high
Familia PHySCIACEAE                                      eutrophication and broad altitudinal range (Nimis
                                                         & Martellos, 2008). Usually pioneer on young
Diploicia canescens (Dicks.) A.Massal.                   twigs is frequent in Xanthorion communities
                                                         (Nimis, 1993).
    On twigs. It is a common lichen in the islands
and thyrrenic area. In Europe has been found on a        Familia OPEGRAPHACEAE
wide variety of substrates incl. base-rich or eutroph-
icated bark, calciferous sandstone and limestone         Opegrapha vulgata Ach.
(Nimis & Martellos, 2008) and it is a species with
a very wide ecological amplitude.                            On twigs. Widespread in all Italy, but non com-
                                                         mon. It is a suboceanic species widespread from
                                                         southern Scandinavia to Mediterranean region
                                                         (Nimis, 1993).

Hyperphyscia adglutinata (Flörke) H. Mayrhofer           Familia PORINACEAE
et Poelt
                                                         Porina aenea (Wallr.) Zahlbr.
    On bark. This is a common lichen in all Italy,           On bark. Species widespread in the Northern
also in sites with high eutrophication, such as intens-
ive agricultural areas (Nimis & Martellos, 2008).        hemisphere, rather rare in all Italy (Nimis, 1993).
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