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Sarcogyne regularis Körb. v. regularis On the whole, 15 taxa (14 genera) of lichens
were found on Juniperus turbinata L., and 16 taxa
On limestone. Species very common in all Italy, (13 genera) on soil in the locality of Acate (Ragusa,
it colonizes an ample variety of calcareous sub- Italy). One species of the lichen flora is recorded
strata, it’s common in the urban area also (Nimis & for the first time from Sicily. By way of comparison
Martellos, 2008). in a coastal area of south eastern Sicily, Cataldo &
Minissale (2013) have found 14 terrestrial taxa of
Familia STEREOCAULACEAE which 8 are in common with the current area of
study. Among these Heppia solorinoides very rare
Squamarina lentigera (Weber) Poelt species, even in Vendicari only on sandy substrates.
On limestone. It’s a species widespread from The most widespread growth form on the total
central Europe to the Mediterranean areas (Fig. 10); flora surveyed is the crustose type, (58%), the
in Italy is present in almost all the regions, but it’s squamulose form follows (19%), then foliose form
not common (Nimis, 1993). (16%) at the end the dimorphic form (6%).
Figures 7, 8. Heppia adglutinata collected near Acate. Fig. 7: the lichen observed by binocular microscope with scale in mil-
limeters. Fig. 8: Section of the same lichen (magnification 40X, coloured with J _Iodine). Figures 9, 10. Images of collected
lichens observed by binocular microscope (magnification 20X). Fig. 9: Psora decipiens. Fig. 10: Squamarina lentigera.