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Familia ROCCELLACEAE                                    on calcareous and siliceous substrata, also on bark
                                                        and wood (Nimis, 1993).
Schismatomma dirinellum (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
    On bark. A mediterranean-atlantic species, in       Familia PORPIDIACEAE

Italy is very rare and not present in all country,      Clauzadea monticola (Schaer.) Hafellner et Bellem.
(Nimis & Martellos, 2008). In Sicily it has been            On a small limestone rocks. It’s common
recorded by Grillo et al. (2002).
                                                        throughout Italy (Fig. 4), to lowlands to the alpine
Familia TELOSCHISTACEAE                                 belt, whit an ample ecological range. It’s widespread
                                                        from the Artic to the Mediterranean zones (Nimis,
Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr.                        1993).
    Saxicolous; on twigs and on bark. This species
                                                        Familia COLLEMATACEAE
is present in all continents except Antarctica, in
Italy is a very common epiphytic lichen (Nimis,         Collema tenax (Sw.) Ach.
1993). This species is present also in heavily pol-         On sandy soil. Species very variable and with
luted areas, but not such as epiphytic lichen, rather
as epilithic lichen (Nimis & Martellos, 2008).          cosmopolitan distribution. It’s found on disturbed
                                                        ground, on walls, on rock, and in all Italy is very
THE LIST OF TERRESTRIAL LICHENS                         common (Nimis, 1993).

Familia TELOSCHISTACEAE                                 Familia THELOTREMATACEAE

Caloplaca variabilis (Pers.) Müll. Arg.                 Diploschistes gypsaceus (Ach.) Zahlbr.
    On calcareous sandstone. Species extremely              On sandy soil. It has a wide range in Europe,

variable and common in all Italy, widespread in         rare in Italy, not present in some regions, (Nimis &
temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere,           Martellos, 2008).
(Nimis, 1993).
                                                        Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant.
Fulgensia fulgens (Sw.) Elenkin f. subbracteata             Parasite on squamule of Cladonia. Rather com-
(Nyl.) Nimis
                                                        mon in all Italy, it is an holarctic lichen (Fig. 5).
    On calcareous soil. Species reported in sub-        Generally on mosses and plant debris in dry grass-
Mediterranean areas; it is found on calciferous soil    lands on limestone (Nimis & Martellos, 2008).
in clearings of grasslands and shrublands. Rather
common in Italy, but not present in all regions         Familia VERRUCARIACEAE
(Nimis, 1993).
                                                        Endocarpon pusillum Hedw.
Familia CLADONIACEAE                                        On calcareous soil. Species widespread from

Cladonia convoluta (Lam.) Anders                        Arctic to Mediterranean regions in Europe; not very
    On calciferous soil. This species is widespread     common in Italy (Nimis, 1993).

in Mediterranean and submediterranean Europe; in        Heteroplacidium imbricatum (Nyl.) Breuss;
Italy it’s very common, (Nimis, 1993).                  On calcareous soil. Species known along the coast
                                                        of the Mediterranean sea and Macaronesia; is very
Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm.                           rare in Italy (Nimis, 1993).
    On sandy soil. Temperate species with an ample
                                                        Placidium rufescens (Ach.) A. Massal.
ecological tolerance, it occurs on different substrata      On sandy soil. Common species in Europe except
from the lowlands to the alpine belt; it occurs both
                                                        in the northern part (Nimis, 1993). In Italy is rare.
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