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The lichens in a relic wood of Juniperus turbinata Guss. with a new record for Sicily 801
About the 30% of terrestrial species list are char-
acteristic of xerophytic to very xerophytic environ-
ment (Fig. 13).
The epyphitic flora of Acate (Ragusa, Sicily) is
poor if compared with the surveyed flora on J.
oxycedrus at Campu su Disterru in Sardinia (Zedda
& Sipman, 2001); this difference can be attributed
to different climatic conditions, as shown in the
graphs, more shallows in Acate compared to humid
conditions and the highest altitude of Sardinia.
Lichenic flora’s significance of Piano Pirrera
territory, is especially qualitative, in fact among the
reported lichens Heppia adglutinata is new to Sicily
and many species are from extremely rare to rare
for Italy.
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of epiphytic species list are characteristic for acid
to subneutral substrata (Fig. 11) indicating a weak Brullo C., Minissale P., Sciandrello S. & Spampinato
acid bark similarly to what has been reported in G., 2011. Phytogeographic survey on the endemic v
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Scarborough et al., 2009); a small group of species, Italy). Acta Botanica Gallica, 158: 617–631.
7%, is characteristic for acid to slightly basic sub-
strata (Catillaria praedicta, Lecidella elaeochroma, Cataldo D. & Minissale P., 2013. I licheni terricoli degli
Physcia leptalea, Xanthoria parietina). ambienti semiaridi costieri di Vendicari area protetta
della Sicilia sud-orientale. Notiziario della Società
The 40% of these species are characteristic of Lichenologica Italiana, 26: 63–77.
mesophytic to xerophytic environment. An another
40% is characteristic of hygrophytic to xerophytic Clauzade G. & Roux C., 1985. Likenoj de Okcidenta
environment (Fig. 12). Europo. Ilustrita Determinlibro. Bulletin de la So-
ciété Botanique du Centre-Ouest (n. s.) 7: 1–893.
Clauzade G. & Roux C., 1987. Likenoj de Okcidenta
Europo. Ilustrita Determinlibro. Suplemento 2a. -
Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest
(n. s.) 18: 177–214.
Cogoni A., Brundu G. & Zedda L., 2011. Diversity and
ecology of terricolous bryophyte and lichen com-
munities in coastal areas of Sardinia (Italy). Nova
Hedwigia 92: 159–175.
Gallego Fernández J.B. & Díaz Barradas M.C., 1997.
Lichens as indicators of a perturbation/stability
gradient in the Asperillo dunes, SW Spain. Journal of
Coastal Conservation, 3: 113–118.
GBIF, 2013. Global Biodiversity Information Facilities.
Backbone Taxonomy. Heppia adglutinata (Kremp.)
A. Massal. Accessed via
/2587162 on 2015-10-15.