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42                                   Re.vue. d'An:héométrie. 27. 2003

                     Fig.  14: ROV images ofthe shipwreck ofPunta Galera (called Relitto Abbione). Fig.  14: lmage ROV de l'épave de Punta Galera.

                                                                  For  this  reason  visual  methods,  which  are  however
                                                                necessary,  can  be  used  only  after  a  large  scale  survey
                                                                executed with traditional methods; so we cando accurate
                                                                spot checks on suspected targets.
                                                                  Anyway it should be improved the interpretative skill
                                                                of the  elaborated  signal,  increasing  the  collaboration
                                                                between the instrumental operator and the archaeologist to
                                                                improve the calibration criteria and to pian the navigation
                                                                routes (zones of interest, routes, spaces between transects)
                                                                and to define criteria and objectives of the cartographic
                                                                  This last one is very important as geo-referenced base
                                                                of the sites an d ma p t o manage every following punctual
                                                                  Anyway we bave planned a methodology to carry out
                                                                a complete survey which could be also used in any next
                                                                  Using  this  methodology  it  was  possible  to  find  a
              Fig.  15:  ROV  images ofthe shipwreck ofPunta Galera (called Relitto   very  interesting  wreck  in  the  area  of  Punta  Galera
              Abbione). Fig.  15  : lmage ROV de l'épave de Punta Galera.
                                                                where we  had the suspect of the presence of something
                                                                very  important  in  archaeological  sense.  After  the  use
                This  research  has  always  been  carried  out  with   of multibeam  we  isolated  the  target  that  was  further
              traditional  methodology,  using  visual  observations  by   investigated by ROV. At the end we found the evidence of
              divers if the  sites were  in  shallow  waters (up  to 70 m),   a XI  century Arabic vessel  with its cargo stilllaying on
              and  by  ROV  or  similar,  in  deep  waters.  In  the  last   the sandy bottom. lt probably sank during a storm on the
              years  the  use  of  techniques  and  equipment  derived   close Bull 's Shoal. The wreck is about 25  m length and
              by  geophysical  research  started  to  be  considered.  This   5 m large, it is in a very good state and is located at about
              instrumentation was setti ed for scientific goals, but, above   70 meters of water depth.
              ali in the otfshore petrol surveys (lying and installation of   Last few words to explain the presence of magnetometer
              pipelines).  In this context we have decided to verify the   in  this  survey.  For  logistic  problems  it  has  been  used
              use of acoustic and magnetometric equipment of CEOM   only  in  two  small  areas  near  Isola  Grande  (Trapani),
              for the  research  of evidences and  targets of the  severa)   without any other equipment and no evidence is of very
              shipwrecks in the Egadi islands sea.              significant results. Anyway this is a survey method which
                The survey  allowed  to  verify  that the  electroacoustic   we  stili  need  to  improve  both  in  the  acquisition  and
              instrumentation can be able to shape the morphology and   elaboration phases.
              bathymetry of the sea bottom with a resolution suitable
              to  identify  "anomalies"  that  can  hide  the  presence  of   5- BIBLIOGRAPHY
              archaeological targets.
                Why the use of this kind of instrumentation? Because   AA.VV.: "SIS1000/AUV System Manua1".  Datasonics, July 1998.
              visual  observations  on  very  large  areas  are  not  always   AA.VV.: "EM3000 System Manual". Simrad, March  1998.
              very  easy  to  understand  and  also  are  very  costly.  A
                                                                AA.VV.: "GG-881  System Manual". Geometrics, June  1995.
              large part of the archaeological heritage is un der the sea-
              bottom  and  the  environment  can  create  an  obstacle  to   DE  DOMINICIS  ROTONDI, A.,  1990 - Principi  di  elettroacustica
              the  direct  vision  of  the  target.  This  instrumentation   subacquea". Edai.
              permits to cover very large zones in short times, arriving   FISH, J.P., 1990-"Sound Underwater lmages: a guide to the generation
                                                                 and  interpretation of Side Scan  Sonar Data".  Lower Cape  Pu. Co.,
              also  to  high  depths  without  using  ROV  or  similar.  In
                                                                 November 1990.
              this  way  we  can  obtain  a  decrease  of the  management
              costs in comparison to other campaigns carried out with   MORANG,A., LARSON, R. and L. GORMAN, L., 1990- Monitoring
                                                                 the coastal environment; Part III. Geophysical and research methods.
              traditional methodology.                           Journal ofCoastal research, 13(4), pp.  1064-1085.
                In a short time, it is possible to avoid to consider large
                                                                VALAVANIS,  K.  and  SARIDIS,  G.,  1992  - "lntelligent  Robotic
              areas without any interest and to concentrate only where
                                                                 Systems". Kluwer Publishers.
              the most significant anomalies have been seen.
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