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(24–26). In vivo experiments with A. rubens by den Besten et al.     surface to a depth of 120–150 m (34–36). C. julis belongs to the
(24) suggested that the echinoderm MFO system is inducible in        mesophagic carnivore functional group; its diet consists mainly
response to exposure to CYP1A-type inducers. No data are yet         of benthic invertebrates such as crustaceans and mollusks, with
available on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus.                   bivalves representing the major fraction of total prey (35, 36).
                                                                     The wrasse is a hermaphroditic, proterogynus, and diandric
   Several studies, although not specifically regarding P.           species, with sex inversion beginning at the end of spawning
caerulea and P. lividus, have reported inducibility of inverte-      (July–August) and continuing throughout the rest of reproduc-
brate MFO system reductase activities by exposure to aquatic         tive period (October–December) (34, 37, 38). A previous
pollutants. Large differences in sensitivity were observed           investigation carried out in our group suggested that C. julis
between different species and enzyme activities. For instance,       was a useful sentinel species for biomonitoring studies (31).
Livingstone et al. (18) measured elevated NADPH–cytochrome
c reductase activity (NADPH–cyt c red) in digestive gland               P. caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) is a gastropod mollusc of the
microsomes of mussel Mytilus edulis and periwinkle Littorina         Patellidae family. It is a grazing herbivore that removes large
littorea exposed to 29 and 123 ppb diesel oil for 4–16 months        quantities of unicellular microbes, algal germlings, and detritus
under natural environmental conditions. The highest enzyme           during feeding excursions around the home scar (39). Because
activities were found in organisms exposed to the higher dose.       of its sedentary lifestyle, widespread distribution, and ease of
Nasci et al. (27) confirmed this enzyme activity in Mytilus          sampling, this species is considered a good bioindicator and has
galloprovincialis, which is a useful indicator of chronic organic    been used as a sentinel species in several marine environment
pollution. Osman and van Noort (28) reported a 12% increase in       quality assessment studies (11, 40). Its sensitivity to pollutants
NADH–cyt c red activity compared with controls in specimens          has been indicated by past studies (41).
of the earthworm Allolobophora chlorotica after in vivo exposure
to a broad-spectrum herbicide, paraquat. Vidal et al. (29)              The sea urchin P. lividus (Lamarck, 1816) belongs to the
studied NADH–ferry red activity in freshwater clams (C.              Echinoid family. This herbivorous invertebrate is bowl-shaped,
fluminea) exposed in aquariums to four doses of organic              dark in color, and 7–8 cm in diameter, and its shell is covered
solvents, trichloroethylene (1.56 to 100 mg LÀ1), or toluene         with spines. It lives on rocky, detritic bottoms or near seagrass
(7.5 to 60 mg LÀ1) for 5 days and concluded that this activity       beds (42). P. lividus is very sensitive to various xenobiotics and
was a good biomarker of trichloroethylene or toluene exposure        metals, especially during its first stages of development, and it is
under the experimental conditions used. Petushok et al. (30)         widely used as bioindicator in biomonitoring programs (32, 42).
reported marked increases in NADH–ferry red activity in
digestive gland of the unionid mussel, Unio tumidus, after 72 h         The present study was conducted in the framework of the
exposure in vivo to 1 or 10 ppm paraquat herbicide.                  MONIQUA–Egadi Scientific Project. The enzyme activities
                                                                     investigated were the detoxifying activities EROD and BaPMO
   We chose three marine species as sentinel organisms: the          in C. julis and the accessory activities NADH–ferry red and
rainbow wrasse Coris julis, and the invertebrates P. caerulea (a     NADH–cyt c red in the invertebrates. The main aim was to
limpet) and P. lividus (a sea urchin). Each occupies a different     make the first step in the development and validation of an
ecological niche. Past studies have suggested their potential as     ecotoxicological approach on the basis of measurement of a set
bioindicator species (11, 31, 32). C. julis (Linnaeus, 1758) is the  of biomarker responses in the above sentinel species for
most abundant wrasse in the Mediterranean Sea (33). It lives in      assessment of marine pollution in a coastal area. A further
coastal areas with rocky bottoms or seagrass beds from the           aim was to obtain preliminary information on environmental
                                                                     quality in an Italian MPA, the Egadi Islands (Sicily).

Figure 1. The study area measures 53 992 ha and was instituted in 1991. It comprises the archipelago of the Egadi Islands, consisting of
Favignana (33 km2), Marettimo (12 km2), Levanzo (10 km2) and some smaller islands such as Maraone and Formica (43). The area is divided
into three main protection levels. Zone A is shown in blue, Zone B is shown in green and Zone C is shown in orange. 1N is Favignana Harbor.

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