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Second, the possible influence of contaminants with CYP1A-          outfall and the harbor, whereas the latter is sheltered from all
inhibiting potency, such as heavy metals (56, 57), certain di-         wind and therefore has lower hydrodynamics, regardless of
ortho PCBs congeners (58), and organotins (59, 60), cannot be          prevailing winds. This may explain why EROD activity at
disregarded. Possible organotin contamination in parts of the          Station 3C was similar to that at Station 1N.
MPA is suggested by the results of a study by Terlizi et al. (61),
who recorded signs of imposex, a genital disorder widely used as          To sum up, the results suggest that hepatic microsomal
a sensitive and specific biomarker of TBT exposure (62), in            EROD and BaPMO activities in C. julis are potentially useful
specimens of marine snail (Hexaplex trunculus) handpicked in           tools for the assessment of water quality in this MPA. Our
Zone A of the Egadi Islands MPA. However, levels of imposex            inferences are also supported by the weak but significant
recorded in specimens from the Zone A island of Marettimo              correlation observed between EROD and BaPMO activities in
were among the lowest observed in organisms from Italians              individual specimens (r ¼ 0.624; p , 0.05) (Fig. 4).
                                                                          Our results suggest that the MPA may be divided into areas
   Third, teleost MFO responses to aquatic pollutants depend           of different environmental quality (Fig. 1): Stations 1A, 2A, and
on many factors: fish sex (63–65), age (66, 67), nutritional and       1C, inferred as least affected by organic contamination arising
reproductive status (64, 68), diet (69), water temperature (65, 66,    within the MPA; Station 1N, which is presumably the most
70), and time course (71, 72) and route (73) of exposure to            threatened by pollution (putatively originating in Favignana
chemicals. Temporal fluctuations in the above endogenous and           Harbor), but which requires further research for confirmation;
exogenous factors, as well as variations exposure to pollutants,       and all the other stations, where environmental quality may be
have different individual effects on fish MFO activities (74) and      inferred as being intermediate between the above two groups
may therefore be useful for interpreting partial discrepancies in      and as not differing significantly even between stations subject
differential degrees of protection applied to each area and            to different degrees of protection. This result is in line with a few
CYP1A activities in C. julis specimens from the MPA. From this         studies carried out in Italian MPAs that showed little or no
perspective, standardized sampling protocol applied in the             effect of protection on marine environmental quality (61, 80).
present study led to analysis of homogeneous groups of
specimens, minimizing some of the possible factors of variability.     Patella caerulea

   Last, human impact at each site depends not only on                 Enzyme activities in the two invertebrates are reported in Table
pollution magnitude and distance from contamination sources,           1. As regards enzyme activities in P. caerulea, the highest
but also on the hydrodynamics in the area. Although there have         NADH–ferry red activities were recorded in specimens from
been various oceanographic studies on large-scale circulation of       Station 1B (Marettimo Island Zone B). Values were double, and
water bodies in the Mediterranean (for a recent compendium on          significantly higher than, those measured in the other sampling
the Sicilian Channel and the central Mediterranean, see Astraldi       sites. Enzyme induction in specimens from Station 1B may be
et al. [75] and Be´ ranger et al. [76]), there have been few           due to exposure to MFO-inducer compounds such as PAHs and
intermediate-scale studies (77), and to our knowledge, nothing         PCBs. Comparison of NADH–ferry red activities between
on the Egadi.                                                          zones of the MPA showed different trends: half the sites showed
                                                                       activities that were double those of the other half. This ranking
   At the scale of our study, prevailing winds, which on a small       seemed unrelated to the division into Zones A, B, and C.
scale determine surface currents and dispersal of contaminants
(78), may be an important factor for interpreting the present             Similar results were seen for NADH–cyt c red activity, which
results. In the Mediterranean, especially in the Tyrrhenian Sea        was higher in specimens from Station 1B (Marettimo Island
from north to south as far as the westernmost part of the Sicilian     Zone B) and from Station 1N of Favignana than in limpets
channel and the Egadi, the prevailing winds are northerlies and        from the other sites. Comparison between zones showed that
westerlies, especially in winter (Aereonautica Militare Italiana       limpets from all sites in Zone B except Station 1B (Station 2B,
daily weather and sea forecasts for ships in Italian waters [79]). It  Marettimo; Station 5B, Favignana; Station 3B, Levanzo;
is therefore reasonable to expect certain hydrodynamic condi-          Station 4B, Formica) had similar average activities without
tions in the various sites. At Marettimo, Stations 2B (south-          statistically significant differences between them. The most
westerly aspect) and 1C (easterly aspect) should be the least          interesting observation arose from comparison of the two
affected by hydrodynamics. Of the four stations near this island,      reductase activities in each of the four islands, which revealed
Station 2B would therefore presumably be the one in which              remarkably parallel trends.
contaminants transported by currents would be found as a result
of its low hydrodynamics. Personal observations and informa-              The present results do not enable us to identify pollution
tion from local people also indicate that Zone 2B has heavier          gradients related to the protection gradient expressed as Zones
trawler and pleasure-boat traffic. Because of the type of bottom,      A, B, and C. The only previous study in which enzyme activities
nets are most often cast in the southern part of the island. Heavy     in P. caerulea were used in a biomonitoring project was
boat traffic presumably causes additional hydrocarbon contam-          conducted by our research group in a moderately polluted
ination. These factors suggest that Zone 2B may be more subject        marine coastal area of Tuscany (Italy), close to the mouth of the
to anthrogenic impact than the other sites around the island           Arno River. The results of that study showed that NADH–ferry
(Zones 1A, 1B, and 1C).                                                red activity in the limpet did not correlate with the moderate
                                                                       levels of PCBs detected in whole body of limpets (Bonacci et al.,
   Of the two areas classified in Zone C, the one surrounding          unpublished data). On the other hand, recent in vivo exposure
Marettimo has higher hydrodynamics. Personal observations              experiments suggest that reductase activities in the limpet are
and information from local sources indicate that southeasterlies       potential biomarkers for aquatic environmental quality. Cyto-
(Scirocco) may often be so strong that ferries cannot reach the        chrome P450 catalytic phase I enzymes (such as NADH
island. This may be why MFO activities at Station 1C                   ferricyanide reductase and NAD[P]H cytochrome c reductase)
(Marettimo) were significantly lower than those in Station 1N.         and total P450 content were investigated in the Mediterranean
                                                                       limpet by in vivo exposure to model CYP1A inducer 2,3,7,8-
   The same considerations apply to the other islands, with            TCDD at 5 ppm nominal concentration and to dangerous
some exceptions that result from coastal morphology and                aquatic pollutant B(a)P at 0.1, 1, 5, and 10 ppm. A significant
differing human impact. The port and Cala Rossa at Favignana           increase (p , 0.05) in all P450 activities and total P450 content
face north-northeast, but the former is theoretically one of the       was observed in limpet exposed to 5 ppm of 2,3,7,8-TCDD for
most contaminated in the archipelago as a result of sewage

312  Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007                          Ambio Vol. 36, No. 4, June 2007
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