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Table 1. Reductase activities in tissues of sentinel specimens collected in 12 different sites in the Egadi Islands (Sicily) marine protected area.*

                                 Patella caerulea                                             Paracentrotus lividus

Sampling site  NADH–ferry red activity              NADH–cyt c red activity  NADH–ferry red activity            NADH–cyt c red activity

1C                               1124.5 6 166.9#     88.3 6 12.2#                             844.3 6 75.2#     157.4 6 28.2#
Marettimo                        1602.0 6 173.5jj   188.7 6 38.9jj                            658.8 6 95.5      127.4 6 25.1# 
1B                                                                                            479.0 6 28.8jj
Marettimo                         724.2 6 76.8§      53.7 6 20.5 §}                           598.4 6 51.0 §     30.9 6 5.1jj
1A                               1199.9 6 139.1#    108.9 6 9.2#                              491.9 6 58.2jj§   115.5 6 18.1# 
Marettimo                        1026.6 6 58.3#                                               374.7 6 28.8}     114.7 6 28.6# 
2B                                                   94.6 6 2.6#                              359.1 6 33.1}
Marettimo                         772.7 6 71.1§      35.9 6 6.2}                              676.9 6 82.9       31.9 6 6.4jj
5B                                947.8 6 28.9 }     73.7 6 14.2                              571.9 6 62.7 jj§   29.6 6 1.5jj
Favignana                        1101.8 6 44.8#     155.9 6 13.3jj                            366.5 6 35.5}      51.8 6 5.4§
4C                               1045.8 6 181.8# }  102.8 6 9.9#                              551.2 6 17.4jj§    65.9 6 4.2}
Favignana                         728.1 6 55.2§      54.4 6 2.5§                              505.0 6 37.1jj§    55.3 6 3.1§
3C                                772.7 6 132.7§}    96.9 6 15.5#                                               134.3 6 10.8# 
Favignana                         776.4 6 7.7§       85.8 6 7.4#                                                106.1 6 18.2 

*For site numbers and zones, see map (Fig. 1). Values are means 6 standard deviation expressed as nmol x minÀ1 x mg protÀ1. For each enzyme activity, values that do not share at least one
symbol differ significantly.

24 h. A dose-dependent increase of NADH–ferry red activity           worthwhile to clarify their potential to discriminate MPA zones
was observed until exposure to 5 ppm B(a)P. At the highest           characterized by different environmental quality.
chemical concentration, approximately 50% of specimens died,
and both cytochrome P450 levels and reductase activities             CONCLUSIONS
decreased markedly. Statistically significant increase of both
cytochrome P450 levels and NADH–cyt c red activity were              This study is the first attempt to monitor environmental quality
found after exposure to either 1 or 5 ppm of B(a)P, but not at       in the Egadi MPA by use of a biomarker approach. The
the lowest concentration of 0.1 ppm B(a)P. As regards                biomarker systems that seemed best suited for discriminating
NADPH–cyt c red activity, a marked increase respect to               different areas were EROD and BaPMO activities in the
control was observed at 5 ppm chemical dose only (Iacocca et         sentinel species rainbow wrasse C. julis. Biomarkers in P.
al., unpublished data).                                              caerulea and P. lividus were much more difficult to interpret.
                                                                     Consequently, C. julis seemed to be the most suitable
   The present results suggest that the activities investigated in   bioindicator of those tested. However, the two invertebrates
P. caerulea might have the potential to discriminate between         may have potential as sentinel organisms and are worthy of
MPA zones characterized by different environmental quality.          further study. Future research should include both in situ
Further research is necessary.                                       analysis of pollutants in sentinel species and responses of
                                                                     enzyme activities to exposure to contaminants in vivo.
Paracentrotus lividus
                                                                        As regards a preliminary evaluation of anthropogenic impact
The highest NADH–ferry red activities were recorded in               in the MPA, the responses suggest higher aquatic environmental
samples from Marettimo Zone C (Station 1C) and were                  quality at Stations 1A, 2A, and 1C and lower quality at Station
significantly higher than activities in samples from the other       1N. This may be the result of point sources of pollution in the
sites. Statistically significant differences in NADH–ferry red       latter area, including urban effluent and harbor activity. Most
activity were also found between sea urchins from Stations 4C,       of the stations seem to have similar or not much different
2C, and 3C (low activities) and those from the other nine areas.     aquatic environmental quality. Contrasting results obtained in
                                                                     different parts of Zones B and C suggest that the borders and
   Significantly higher NADH–cyt c red activities were               legislation of the MPA need to be redefined. Further research is
recorded in urchins from Stations 1B, 2B, 1C, 5B, 2A, and 4B         still needed to assess the validity of the present approach and to
with respect to those from the other sites. Specimens from           determine contamination status (81, 82).
Favignana Harbor (Station 1N) and the two Levanzo stations
(Stations 3B and 2C) showed intermediate values, whereas             References and Notes
organisms from Stations 1A, 3C, and 4C of Favignana showed
the lowest activities.                                                1. Islam, M.S. and Tanaka, M. 2004. Impacts of pollution on coastal and marine
                                                                           ecosystems including coastal and marine fisheries and approach for management: a
   The remarkable differences between enzyme activities in sea             review and synthesis. Mar. Poll. Bull. 48, 624–649.
urchin from the different stations suggest enzyme induction.
However, reference MFO activities in the pyloric caeca of P.          2. Safe, S. and Phil, D. 1990. Polychlorinated biphenils (PCBs), dibenzo-p-dioxins
lividus have not yet been established, and the reductase activities        (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and related compounds: environmental and
we obtained showed partial parallels as well as discrepancies.             mechanistic consideration which support the development of toxic equivalency factors
The present results therefore do not allow us to make broader              (TEFs). Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 21, 51–88.
statements concerning the environmental quality of the MPA.
Further study of these biomarkers in P. lividus seems                 3. Goksøyr, A. and Fo¨ rlin, L. 1992. The cytochrome P-450 system in fish, aquatic
                                                                           toxicology and environmental monitoring. Aquat. Toxicol. 22, 287–312.

                                                                      4. Scholz, A., Bonzon, K., Fujita, R., Benjamin, N., Woodling, N., Black, P. and
                                                                           Steinbacke, C. 2004. Participatory socioeconomic analysis: drawing on fishermen’s
                                                                           knowledge for marine protected area planning in California. Mar. Policy 28, 335–349.

                                                                      5. McManus, J.W., van Zwol, C., Garces, L.R. and Sadacharan, D. (eds). 1998. A
                                                                           Framework for Future Training in Marine and Coastal Protected Area Management.
                                                                           Conference Proceedings 57. ICLARM, Penang, Malaysia.

Ambio Vol. 36, No. 4, June 2007                     Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007                                    313
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