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MATERIALS AND METHODS                                               as follows: pH 7.5, 308C, in a fluorometer cuvette containing 50
                                                                    mM Tris-HCl, 25 mM MgCl2 6H2O, 10 lL 125 lM NADPH,
Description of Study Area and Experimental Design                   and about 25–50 lL of microsomal suspension. 7-Ethoxyresor-
                                                                    ufin (10 lL 0.1 mg mLÀ1 in DMSO) was used as substrate. The
In September 2002, specimens of the three species were collected    reaction was started by adding NADPH, and the progressive
in 12 sites in the Egadi MPA, Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). The study     increase in fluorescence was recorded for 4 min at kEX ¼ 522 nm
area measures 53 992 ha and was instituted in 1991. It              and kEM ¼ 586 nm. The amount of resorufin produced was
comprises the archipelago of the Egadi Islands consisting of        calculated from a resorufin standard. EROD activity was
Favignana (33 km2), Marettimo (12 km2), Levanzo (10 km2),           expressed as picomoles of resorufin produced per minute per
and some smaller islands such as Maraone and Formica (43).          milligram of total microsomal protein (pmol minÀ1 mg protÀ1).
The area is divided into three main protection levels, according
to national criteria applied to all Italian MPAs (44): total           BaPMO assay conditions in the reaction mixture (final
reserve, or Zone A, where fishing and harvesting marine             volume 1.01– 1.06 mL) were as follows: pH 7.5, 308C, in a
resources are forbidden, and only authorized personnel can          fluorometer cuvette containing 110 mM Tris-HCl, 15 mM
have access for monitoring, research, and maintenance; general      MgCl2 6H2O, 1.8 lM NADPH and about 50–100 lL of
reserve, or Zone B, where only low-impact tourism is allowed;       microsomal suspension. Benzo(a)pyrene (B[a]P) (2 mM) was
and partial reserve, or Zone C, which is usually a buffer area      used as substrate in a 1-h reaction stopped with cool acetone.
between unprotected sea and Zones A and B. Recreational             The amount of 3 OH-B(a)P produced was read at kEX ¼ 396 nm
navigation and some sporting and commercial fishing are             and kEM ¼ 522 nm, with 1M H2SO4 and 1 lg mLÀ1 quinine
allowed in Zone C. In the Egadi MPA, Zone A is in two parts,        sulfate as standards. BaPMO activity was compared with a
one in an inshore area of Marettimo and the other around            blank treated with acetone before incubation and expressed as
Maraone; Zone B is in five parts: two inshore areas of              fluorescence units per hour per milligram of total microsomal
Marettimo, and one each in Favignana, in Levanzo, and               protein (FU minÀ1 mg protÀ1).
around Formica; Zone C is in two parts, one around Marettimo
and the other around Favignana, Levanzo, Maraone, and                  NADH–ferry red and NADH–cyt c red activities were
Formica. The two C zones include the A and B zones already          assayed at 258C by following the method of Livingstone and
defined.                                                            Farrar (47). The reaction mixture (1 mL final volume)
                                                                    contained Tris-HCl buffer (100 mM, pH 7.6), 50 lL potassium
   The MPA is quite distant from the anthropized Sicilian coast     cyanide (KCN) (20 mM final concentration), 50 lL of either
and is putatively free from significant negative effects of local   potassium ferricyanide (10 mM) or cytochrome c (1.2 mM) as
industries and agriculture (11). The only significant source of     substrates, and distilled water. The reaction was started by
man-made pollution in the MPA is thought to be the harbor of        adding 50 lL NADH (6 mM). Decreasing or increasing
Favignana.                                                          absorbance was recorded for 1 min at 420 nm and 550 nm for
                                                                    NADH–ferry red and NADH–cyt c red activities, respectively.
   Ten specimens of fish and 20 specimens of each invertebrate      The instrument was a Shimadzu UV-160A visible recording
species were collected at each of the 12 sites and immediately      spectrophotometer. Enzyme activities were expressed as nano-
humanely killed. Biometric parameters were recorded, and            moles of metabolized substrate per minute per milligram of
tissues were immediately dissected and stored in liquid N2.         total microsomal proteins (nmol mg protÀ1 minÀ1). Microsomal
Rainbow wrasse were 13.9–17.6 cm in length and 13.9–35.8 g in       protein concentration was measured as described by Bradford
weight, with a male/female percentage ratio of 79/21. Gastro-       (48) in a Shimadzu UV-160A visible recording spectrometer
pod limpets were 2.0–3.0 cm long, 1.6–2.4 cm wide, and 0.7–1.2      with bovine serum albumin used as a standard.
cm high. Sea urchins were 3.6–4.5 cm in theca diameter.
Samples were shipped to the laboratory and stored at À808C          Statistical Analysis
until analysis.
                                                                    Results for each sampling site were expressed as mean 6
Determination of P450 Enzyme Activities                             standard deviation. All determinations were performed in
                                                                    quadruplicate for each pool aliquot and in duplicate for single
P450 enzyme activities were measured in microsomal fractions        samples. The data were tested for normality by the Shapiro-
of the following organs: liver of C. julis, visceral portion of P.  Wilk W test and for homogeneity of variances by the Levine
caerulea, and pyloric caeca of P. lividus. Invertebrate tissues     test. Statistically significant differences between P450 activities
from the same sampling site were grouped in seven pools of two      in sample groups from different areas were determined by one-
or three individuals each; fish samples were analyzed one by        way analysis of variance with Newman-Keuls post hoc
one. Microsomal fractions were prepared by differential             comparison for parametric data and the Kruskal-Wallis test
centrifuging (9000 3 g for 20 min and 100 000 3 g for 60 min)       for nonparametric data. Correlations were assessed by the
in a Sorvall RC28S ultracentrifuge, after homogenization 1:4        Pearson correlation coefficient (r). A probability level less than
(w/v) with sucrose buffer (50 mM K2HPO4, 0.75 mM sucrose, 1         0.05 was considered significant. Statistical analysis was per-
mM EDTA, 0.5 mM DTT, 400 lM PMSF, 10 lM leupeptin, 1                formed with Statistica 5.1 software (StatSoft).
lM pepstatin, 1 mg LÀ1 aprotinin, pH 7.5) in a glass–Teflon
Potter-Elvenjem homogenizer at 2000 rpm. The resulting              RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
microsomal pellets were separated from the supernatants,
resuspended 1:2.6 (w/v) in Tris-(base) buffer (10 mM Tris           Coris julis
[base], 20% w/v glycerol, 0.5 mM DTT, 400 lM PMSF, 10 lM
leupeptin, 1 lM pepstatin, 1 mg LÀ1 aprotinin, pH 7.5), and         EROD and BaPMO activities are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
used as enzyme source for the monooxygenase bioassay. All           EROD activities ranged from 0.528 to 1.217 nmol mg protÀ1
procedures were carried out at 48C.                                 minÀ1 (Stations 2A and 1N, respectively). Statistically signifi-
                                                                    cant differences in EROD activity were observed between
   Hepatic microsomal EROD and BaPMO activities were                Favignana Harbor and Zone A of Marettimo (Station 1A),
measured in duplicate by fluorometric methods according to          Zone A of Maraone (Station 2A), and Zone C of Marettimo
Burke and Mayer (45) and Kurelec et al. (46), respectively, with    (Station 1C). Similar results were found for BaPMO activities,
a LS50B luminescence spectrofluorometer. EROD assay                 which ranged from 8.86 to 48.9 FU mg protÀ1 hÀ1 (Stations 2A
conditions in the reaction mixture (final volume 2.25 mL) were

310  Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007                       Ambio Vol. 36, No. 4, June 2007
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