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D. Melaku Canu et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxx–xxx  11
          hazard assessment that could be used to inform MSP, ICZM and  The simulations take into account multiple potential sources
          IMCAM processes.                                     and different release times to consider the variability in response
            Indeed, it is obvious that if a spill occurs, the released oil will  times and hazard at the coast due to variability in atmospheric
          move somewhere. Information on the most likely trajectories of  and oceanographic conditions, taking into account the likelihood
          the oil drift and where it is more likely to strand can significantly  of these scenarios.
          improve planning mitigation strategies.                 Oil operators, decision makers, and spatial planners can use the
            The methodology presented in this work exemplifies how a  methodology and the information provided here as inputs for man-
          numerical model can be used to this aim. The hazard and risk  agement, planning and decision processes. Outcomes of the pre-
          indexes computed provide initial information, which is crucial to  sent study could be of use in the development of local operation
          inform a proper integrated oil spill risk analysis for the SCH coasts.  plans to protect against marine pollution by oil or other toxic sub-
          This information should be combined with additional sensitivity  stances, in Maritime Spatial Planning and in Integrated Coastal
          layers that, depending on the specific scope of the assessment,  Zone Management. Moreover, the methodology and related out-
          can take into account, for example, the occurrence of sensitive geo-  comes could contribute to the formulation of the emergency
          morphologic environments (Alves et al., 2014; Olita et al., 2012a)  response plans (2013/30/EU Directive), which should be made
          or the presence of cultural heritage sites or other human settle-  available to the Commission, to potentially impacted Member
          ments to support and inform ecological based spatial planning  States, and to the public.
          along the coast.                                        As mentioned above, risk assessment can be continuously
            The finite element approach followed here is particularly well  refined by incorporating new vulnerability layers related to geo-
          suited for dealing with fine scale processes. Thus, it can be used  morphology, land use, environmental sensibility, land cover and
          to inform not only the management and conservation plans devel-  so on as well as in response to other potential sources, such as
          oped at the basin scale but also local scale evaluations.  major ship routes, oil production and exploration platforms of
            The seasonal representation enables simulation of the effects of  neighbouring countries and deep water oil spills.
          seasonal hydrodynamic features on the oil slicks at the coast and is
          therefore preferred over climatological representations, which, by  Acknowledgment
          averaging physical forcing, tend to underestimate local hazards.
            Clearly, more accurate results could be obtained by incorporat-  This research was partly funded by WWF Italy and with the
          ing different assumptions, a more detailed oil model, and more  contribution of RITMARE flagship Project, funded by MIUR under
          accurate boundary and initial condition data. Indeed, considering  the NRP 2011–2013, approved by the CIPE Resolution 2/2011 of
          the social and economic relevance of the topic studied, it is impor-  23.03.2011.
          tant to stress that our results are preliminary and must not be used
          as a comprehensive risk analysis, which would require the inclu-  References
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          Please cite this article in press as: Melaku Canu, D., et al. Assessment of oil slick hazard and risk at vulnerable coastal sites. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2015), http://

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