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122   F. Badalamenti et al.

              vol. 1, ed. C.R. Wilkinson, S. Sudara & L.M. Chou, pp. 23–31.  equipment (9.9%); and tank refilling (4.5%). Only a very
              Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 16–20 May,  small part of the above amount was spent in Port Cros. Most
              1994.                                             was spent on the mainland, even though the tourist-attracting
             Zabala, M. (1996) Impacto biológico de la creación de una Reserva
                                                                power was considered to be attributable exclusively to the
              marina: el caso de las Islas Medes. In: La Gestión de los Espacios
                                                                Marine Park (Richez 1991).
              Marinos del Mediterráneo Occidental, pp. 55–103. Inst. Estudios
              Almerienses. Diputación de Almería.
                                                                Richez (1993) also investigated tourist diving activity (skin
             Appendix 1
                                                                diving excluded) in Corsica in summer 1991, with special
             Case studies from Mediterranean EU MPAs            regard to the MPA of Lavezzi. Tourists were attracted by the
                                                                natural beauty of the MPA seascape and its flora and fauna.
             The following is a country-by-country account of the studies
                                                                Three out of 10 divers came to Corsica to dive at Lavezzi.
             which have been conducted on the cultural and socio-econ-
                                                                Although tourists declared themselves to be attracted by the
             omic aspects of EU Mediterranean MPAs.
                                                                wealth of the marine flora and fauna, they were badly
                                                                informed about the diving sites of the MPA and, generally
             France                                             speaking, visitors had a low level of knowledge of the island
                                                                (Richez 1993). Calculations of the economic return derived
             In France there are approximately twenty protected zones
                                                                from underwater activities indicate that, in the two months
             which can be divided into six categories of different levels of
                                                                under consideration, in the whole of Corsica (approximately
             protection (Meinesz et al. 1983; Augier 1991). Etablissements
                                                                30 diving clubs) 76 618 dives were carried out at a cost of
             de pêche and cantonnements de pêche can be considered fishery
                                                                Euro 1 612 290, including tank refilling. To this figure must
             reserves. They are generally small and of limited duration,
                                                                be added Euro 3 875 906 for derived activities and Euro 971
             going back to 1852 and 1915 for the établissements and 1963
                                                                405 for transport, and thus a total expenditure of Euro 6 459
             for the cantonnements. Nature reserves also have a long
                                                                601. These expenditures were not specifically for Lavezzi,
             history. Their institution began in 1930 and they were first
                                                                although they indicate that approximately Euro 83.8 were
             gazetted with a 1976 law. Their aim is to conserve nature and
                                                                spent in total per dive.
             safeguard the environment and its plant and animal species.
             Diving and spear fishing are prohibited, while small-scale
             fishing is permitted but controlled. Scientific research and  Scandola
                                                                In the nature reserve of Scandola diving is prohibited.
             environmental awareness activities are conducted. MPAs
                                                                As part of a study on tourist attendance at a number of
             may each contain up to three zones with different levels of
                                                                sites, Richez (1992) conducted an investigation of pleasure
             protection, namely a zone with the highest level of protection
                                                                boating in the MPA. This study focused on gaining an
             where all human activities are prohibited, a peripheral buffer
                                                                understanding of the main characteristics of the pleasure
             zone and a zone of general protection or ‘park’, where a
                                                                boaters, the way in which they use the area, their motivation
             number of human activities can be carried out and tourism
                                                                and, above all, their reaction to the possible prohibition or
             which respects the natural environment is permitted. The
                                                                limitation of their activities. On this last issue, 42% declared
             law defining these MPAs goes back to 1960 but a number of
                                                                themselves to be against, 22% in favour, 22% in favour with
             interpretative problems have arisen. At Port Cros, for
                                                                certain conditions, and 11% did not express an opinion.
             example, small-scale fishing is tolerated and no buffer zone
             exists (Augier 1991).
               The MPAs with the highest levels of protection are gener-  Carry le Rouet
             ally found inside marine parks and all activities, apart from  Bachet (1991) assessed the economic impact of the Côte
             authorized science, are prohibited. Biotope protection zones  Bleue regional marine park of Carry le Rouet. The aim of the
             derive from a relatively recent legislative measure (1977)  MPA is to maintain traditional economic activities (i.e. a
             aimed specifically at the protection of two areas of Corsica  small-scale fishery consisting of about 22 boats and 35
             where a number of activities are prohibited. Data are avail-  fishers), protect the natural environment and educate visi-
             able for the following MPAs: Port Cros, Lavezzi, Scandola,  tors. Increased fishery production, greater productivity from
             and Carry le Rouet, this last is a cantonnement de pêche.  an artificial reef system located near the MPA, greater fishing
                                                                selectivity and reduction in overall fishing effort due to the
             Port Cros                                          artificial reef and an anti-trawling system, income from an
             Visits by scuba divers (snorkellers excluded) to Port Cros  educational programme for the schools of the surrounding
             National Park during summer 1990 were investigated by  area, income from scientific meetings, income from diving
             Richez (1991). Total spending by divers in July–August was  centres and diving trips in both the MPA and the artificial
             estimated to be Euro 505 337, divided into: transport, food,  reef areas are reported (Bachet 1991). Bachet (1991) high-
             equipment hire, souvenirs (in total 51.3%); occasional  lights the need for better quantification and documentation,
             expenses for diving, clubs and charters (34.3%); purchase of  especially of tourist activities.
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