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             (Salm & Clark 1984; Dixon & Sherman 1991). One particular  and Prof. C.F. Boudouresque for providing the literature on
             reason for this is the problem of placing an economic value on  French MPAs. Thanks also to Helen Main for help with the
             biodiversity through the use of contingent valuation method-  editing of the manuscript and Drs C. Pepe and R. Abbate for
             ology (CVM), an approach which requires particular care in  their suggestions. This paper was realized with funds from
             order to elicit valid and reliable results (Turner & Adger  the EU CEC DGXII–MAST III contract number: MAS3-
             1996). The wider implications of MPAs for commercial fish-  ct97–0155.
             eries are similarly difficult to assess, and bioeconomic
             modelling may be required to identify the circumstances in
             which zones closed to fishing will produce overall net gains to  References
             society. Examples of such studies include those by Holland  Agardy, M.T. (1993) Accommodating ecotourism in multiple use
             and Brazee (1996), Hannesson (1998) and J.C.V. Pezzey,  planning of coastal and marine protected areas. Ocean and Coastal
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               In order to avoid or reduce the conflicts between economic  marine protected areas.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9(7):
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             Tisdell 1996). An important management tool could be  de Campo en la Reserva Marina de Tabarca (Alicante), pp. 83–96.
             rational zonation (Laffoley 1995) which takes into consider-  A.A. Ramos (Coord.) Alicante, Spain: Publicaciones de la
             ation both traditional and new resource uses such as selective  Universidad de Alicante – Institut d’Ecologia Litoral.
             small-scale fishing and eco-tourism in delimited sub-areas. It  Alcala, A.C. & Russ, G.R. (1990) A direct test of the effects of
             is also important to define the social and biological carrying  protective management on abundance and yield of tropical marine
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             Bridgwater (1995), could be an appropriate solution for the  relations entre la pêche artisanale et le milieu côtier en Sicilie.
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             The authors would like to thank Dr Ruggirello from Nautilus  Areas.  Ajaccio (Corse – Corsica) 26–28 September 1991, pp.
             for information about the Egadi Islands and Dr J. Harmelin  43–5.
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