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116   F. Badalamenti et al.

             the MPAs of Portofino and delle Cinque Terre (Liguria,  Dixon (1993) investigated the compatibility of tourism
             Italy), Port Cros and the MPAs of the Côte Bleue near the  and protected area conservation in the Caribbean, where, in
             cities of Marseille and Toulon in France, and the MPAs of  1990, at least one-fifth of the income generated by tourism
             Medes Islands (near Barcelona) and Cape Creus (Spain; Fig.  was derived from diving and other kinds of special-interest
             1, Table 1). MPAs in the vicinity of urban, industrialized or  activities. A significant economic return was derived from
             wealthier areas will face quite different pressures from those  tourism in the Virgin Islands and the Dutch Antilles (Dixon
             at the other end of the scale. In these areas, fishers are used to  1993). Measures have been adopted to control tourism in
             the presence of large numbers of people and often have more  these MPAs, including the imposition of fees for diving.
             than one occupation. For these reasons, the impact of MPAs  Bonaire Marine Park in the Caribbean has been the object of
             on the activities of fishers may be smaller and better-tolerated  the most comprehensive study (Dixon 1993; Dixon et al.
             in comparison with isolated areas. It is likely that fishers will  1993), and there a large part of the economy of the island can
             develop their secondary activities and gain benefit from  be considered to be derived from the MPA. Signs of an
             MPAs. Moreover, it is less likely that they will have to  excessive growth in tourism which is beginning to damage
             compete with outsiders, as can happen in more remote  the natural resources have been perceived, and such a situ-
             MPAs. In this case, the tourists include those coming from  ation could conceivably lead to the collapse of tourism and
             the immediate vicinity of the MPA who will mostly benefit  thus the economy of the area. Tourism could nonetheless be
             from the new services. It is also likely that income from MPA  safely increased through improved management practices
             activities will be shared almost entirely within the same  such as promoting diver education, rotating diving sites,
             community. Inhabitants of the surrounding area may also  spacing-out divers, regulating underwater photography and
             gain benefits of a cultural kind from didactic courses, scien-  promoting better buoyancy control by divers (Dixon  et al.
             tific activities and cultural events in general. A new and  1993).
             diversified tourism is also likely. MPAs will attract young  In the Philippines, a community-based MPA has been
             people and environmentally-oriented tourists from afar, and  instituted to protect a coral reef in collaboration with the local
             natural resources can be exploited all year round and inserted  fishing community. These fishers gave their approval to the
             into tourist ‘packages’ offered in conjunction with the cities  creation of the MPA and took responsibility for policing it.
             and towns near MPAs.                               From interviews, the fishers appeared to be aware of the
               However, this vision may be optimistic. Tourists and resi-  importance of the MPA and were convinced of its effective-
             dent people, especially if not involved in planning MPAs, can  ness, and there were, moreover, signs of a recovery in the fish
             see protection as a menace in the same way as residents of  community (White & Savina 1987).
             isolated places can. As an example of this, restrictions enforced  In more economically-developed areas, consensus-
             on navigation in the Portofino area in Italy have provoked  building approaches can be implemented, with extensive
             strong opposition from habitual tourists who see the freedom  public involvement (Bohnsack 1997). Through such a
             of movement of their vessels being curbed. At the inception of  strategy, the consensus of local inhabitants can be gained by
             the Portofino MPA in the summer of 1998, it was necessary to  relatively simple measures such as defining shared common
             review a number of the restrictions and regulations of the  goals, producing a clear legislative mandate and ensuring a
             MPA, although a socio-economic study of the area had been  continued commitment on the part of stakeholders and
             carried out beforehand (Diviacco et al. 1992; Tunesi &  agency participants. The main drawback to this approach is
             Diviacco 1993). Furthermore, the inhabitants of larger towns  the large amount of time, money and expertise required to
             and cities will have more resources at their disposal to oppose  develop plans and bring them to fruition.
             the changes in access that MPA creation requires.
                                                                The importance of involving the fishing community

             Non-Mediterranean countries                        To improve the success of MPAs it is essential to involve the
                                                                local inhabitants as much as possible (White & Savina 1987;
             The distinction between MPAs located in economically  White 1989; Brechin et al. 1991; Fiske 1992; Salm & Clark
             developed areas and those in more depressed or developing  1994; Bersales 1996; Caldecott 1996). Local fishers can
             zones has validity also for countries outside the  provide valuable contributions through their knowledge of
             Mediterranean (Walters & Butler 1995). In both cases the  the area, assisting in the choice of the most suitable site to be
             involvement of local communities has been recognized as  placed under protection and providing useful information for
             fundamental (Salm & Clark 1984; Wells & White 1995;  its successful management (Neis 1995). It is also fundamental
             Bohnsack 1997). Once again, the problems encountered and  to provide local communities with as much information as
             the solutions proposed are obviously quite different for  possible about new initiatives and to avoid imposing changes.
             MPAs in areas with strong economies as is the case for  In some cases, changes in the attitudes and perceptions of
             example where a fishing industry is present (Bohnsack 1997)  fishers have been detected after the inception of MPAs. Thus
             compared to those of a weak or depressed economy (White &  in New Zealand, despite the initial opposition of fishers to the
             Savina 1987; Andersson & Ngazi 1995).              establishment of the Leigh Marine Reserve, 78% later
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