Page 6 - Bennett_DiFranco_alii2018
P. 6

6of10                                                                                     BENNETT ET AL.

                                              SSF support for MPA

                           Overall study

                                     -100  -75  -50  -25  0  25   50   75  100

                     Zakynthos (Greece)

                     Egadi Islands (Italy)
                                                                                      strong support
                     Portofino (Italy)
                                                                                      somewhat in support
                     Cap Roux (France)                                                neutral
                                                                                      somewhat in opposition
                     Strunjan (Slovenia)
                                                                                      strong opposition
                     Bonifacio (France)
                     Cabo de Palos (Spain)
                     Cote Bleu (France)

                     Telescica (Croatia)

                     Es Freus (Spain)
                     Torre Guaceto (Italy)
                                     -100  -75  -50  -25  0  25   50   75  100

          FIGURE 2     Levels of support (% of each group represented by bar chart) for marine protected areas among all small-scale fishermen in survey
          (N = 149)

          TA BLE 3    Mean composite scores by level of support for MPA
                                        Strong     Somewhat in  Neutral  Somewhat in  Strong
           Perceptions by level of      opposition to  opposition to  toward the  support of  support for  Model
           support for the MPA          the MPA    the MPA    MPA       the MPA    the MPA    Total   P-value
           (number (%))                 N = 8      N = 17     N = 20    N = 30     N = 27     N = 102  (ANOVA)
           Ecological impacts combined score (0–10)                                                   0.004
                              Mean      6.0 (6.0)  7.1 (6.0)  6.4 (6.0)  8.3 (10.0)  8.4 (8.0)  7.6 (8.0)
                              Min–Max   2.0–10.0   2.0–10.0   2.0–10.0  4.0–10.0   4.0–10.0   2.0–10.0
           Social impacts combined score (0–10)                                                       <0.0001
                              Mean      3.9 (4.0)  5.9 (6.1)  5.1 (4.9)  6.4 (6.6)  7.1 (7.0)  6.0 (5.9)
                              Min–Max   2.0–5.8    2.2–8.3    1.3–8.3   2.9–9.3    4.6–9.3    1.3–9.3
           Good governance combined score (0–10)                                                      <0.0001
                              Mean      3.6 (3.3)  4.3 (4.3)  5.3 (4.8)  6.3 (6.2)  7.3 (8.0)  5.8 (5.6)
                              Min–Max   1.8–7.2    1.7–6.5    1.7–8.3   3.0–9.5    3.8–10.0   1.7–10.0
          ANOVA, analysis of variance.

          based on increasing ecological effectiveness score (OR = 1.  25% increased probability of fishers’ increasing support for
          26), social impacts score (OR = 1.75), or governance score  the MPA with each unit increase in the ecological impacts
          (OR = 1.80) (ORs reported for a 1 unit change in score) (all  score, a 75% increased probability for the social impacts
          P < 0.001) in unadjusted models. These represent roughly a  score, and a 80% increased probability for the governance
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10