Page 11 - Biog03_Alicata_Messina
P. 11



       The Authors conduct a study on the chromatic polymorphism of populations
of Calliptamus barbarus (Costa) in Sicily and on the surrounding islands with the
purpose of catching any possible differentiating processes in action on the islands
in ques tion.

       From the anlyses of the chromatic phenotype frequencies of the internai
surfaces of the rear femora, it appears that the Lampedusa and Pantelleria popu-
lations, similar to the Malta ones from this point of view, are completely different
from the other populations examined (Sicily, Egadi and Aeolian Islands); furthermore,
the populations in Sicily are those which are most similar to the ones on the

rtalian peninsular.

       The Authors reveal, furthermore, that the chromatic phenotype frequencies
of the body present a relative uniformity in the populations examined; this fact
appears to indicate the existence of genetic homeostasis mechanisms. However, even
in these cbaracteristics, the Lampedusa and Pantellerià populations present the most
significant differences.


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