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          tial' microbial enzyme activity. Fluorescence units were  634 ng C l ÿ1  h , with a peak at 13054 ng C l ÿ1  h .
          calibrated with a 05 mmol l ÿ1  stock solution of the stan-  Their distribution was closely in¯uenced by the peculiar
          dard MCA (Sigma) and the results are expressed in terms  hydrological structure of water masses; here, Atlantic
          of maximum velocity of hydrolysis (Vmax, mg C l ÿ1 h )  waters are strongly strati®ed over the surface layers and
          (Hoppe et al. 1988).                                 carry trophic resources towards the southern part where a
            Since 1995, seawater samples have been collected from  higher aminopeptidase activity was observed in the upper
          different marine and brackish areas; at the same time, the  zone. Moving from the south to the north (Fig. 2), the
          main environmental parameters were recorded in situ by  highest proteolytic activity levels shifted to the deeper
          automatic probes (temperature, salinity), or determined in  layers (on average, 128 ng C h ÿ1 ÿ1  in the photic zone and
          the laboratory by standard analytical methods (Chlorophyll  55 ng C h ÿ1 ÿ1  in the bottom layer), with a trend similar
          a and POC contents, viable plate counts of heterotrophic  to that observed for particulate organic nitrogen content
          bacteria on Marine agar).                            (PON), in relation to the sinking, from a depth of 100±150
            Statistical elaborations were performed using the  m to 200 m, of the picnocline originated by the saline gra-
          ANOVA test and Pearson correlation coef®cient r, in order  dient (Leonardi et al. 1998a).
          to assess the signi®cance of enzyme data and measure their  Enzyme activity was related neither to temperature and
          degree of association with environmental variables, respec-  salinity nor to bacterial densities, but it was signi®cantly
          tively. Values which differed from the normal distribution  and positively related to particulate organic carbon (POC)
          were log-transformed.                                content at two southern stations (10C, r ˆ 086; 10F, r ˆ
                                                               082, P < 005) (Caruso et al. 1998).
          Marine environments                                  Northern Adriatic Sea. The Northern Adriatic Sea is a
                                                               semi-enclosed basin with peculiar hydrological conditions
          The areas studied were characterized by conditions of
                                                               which determine the occurrence of periodic distrophic
          moderate trophism, as in Egadi Islands or in the Straits of
                                                               crises and mucilage phenomena. The main features of this
          Messina, or by eutrophy, as in the Northern Adriatic Sea
          (Fig. 1).                                            ecosystem include the shallow depth, the strong organic
                                                               matter input of both autochthonous (primary production)
                                                               and allochthonous (¯uvial and continental inputs) origin,
          Egadi Archipelago. In April 1996, seawater samples were  the presence of frontal systems between saltier and more
          collected from Egadi Islands at 13 stations located between  diluted waters, and the water circulation determining varia-
          Favignana and Marettimo Islands. The levels of leucine  tions on a seasonal scale, i.e., intensive mixing in winter
          aminopeptidase found in the euphotic layer (0±100 m)  and strati®cation of waters in the other seasons (Artegiani
          were, in general, very low, ranging on average from 128 to  et al. 1997).

                            45° N

                              40°                      Oliveri
                                             Islands            Messina
                                                              and Faro lake
                                 5° W   0°     5°    10°    15°    20°    25°    30°    35° E

          Fig. 1 Areas sampled

                                              = 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 89, 951ÿ959
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